
New Member
Dec 26, 2018
I have been living in the "Apple Mac Ecosystem" for the last 22 years, but I came back home 3 weeks ago. I'm doin' O.K. with Windows 10 Home on my new Acer Gaming Computer, ( I don't play games at all, I just wanted to try to future proof the new baby with RAM & power. Can any one recommend some sound Encryption Software for Win 10 Home ...... caint Right Click on files no more ...... can only do that on Win10 Pro these days buddy-boy I read on the net. Any info would be very gratefully appreciated. Thanks for having me in the forum. Kind Regards, Bloomy.
Thank You so much for your posts ussnorway & Neemobeer. I'll definitely google Vera Crypt - grateful for that Neemobeer.
ussnorway I need to encrypt on a home computer because my wife & eldest son are not computer literate, & are regarded by the Federal Government to have a severe lack of cognitive skills, so they are on small pensions. Their online social security matters - regular password changes & a few other bibs & bobs that have been thrust upon me by the Feds here in Australia, need to be kept confidential under pain of death virtually . I think the Feds here fell
"so in love" with the Film on Edward Snowden, that they have become so "Big Brother Is Watching You" lately.
My youngest son is Computer Savvy but only to get online for sports etc. so I am grateful for you guys. Bye for now. Bloomy