Windows 10 Error installing Win when not recognizing the hard drive


New Member
Nov 14, 2019
I'm not see a list of hard drives and partitions to choose from. This error usually occurs when installing Windows 7 or a standard NVME hard drive. The reason is that Windows 7 was born quite a long time, while some new machines need newer SATA drivers. What can I do?

To resolve the issue of not being able to see a list of hard drives and partitions during the Windows 7 installation due to missing SATA drivers, follow these steps:
1. Obtain SATA Drivers:
- Visit the manufacturer's website for your computer or motherboard model.
- Download the SATA drivers for your specific system, ensuring compatibility with Windows 7.
2. Copy Drivers:
- Ensure the drivers are in a compatible format such as INF, SYS, or DLL.
- Copy the drivers onto a USB flash drive or external storage that is accessible during the Windows 7 installation process.
3. Load Drivers during Installation:
- Begin the Windows 7 installation process.
- When you reach the point where no hard drives or...
To resolve the issue of not being able to see a list of hard drives and partitions during the Windows 7 installation due to missing SATA drivers, follow these steps:
1. Obtain SATA Drivers:
- Visit the manufacturer's website for your computer or motherboard model.
- Download the SATA drivers for your specific system, ensuring compatibility with Windows 7.
2. Copy Drivers:
- Ensure the drivers are in a compatible format such as INF, SYS, or DLL.
- Copy the drivers onto a USB flash drive or external storage that is accessible during the Windows 7 installation process.
3. Load Drivers during Installation:
- Begin the Windows 7 installation process.
- When you reach the point where no hard drives or partitions are listed, look for an option to load drivers.
- Insert the USB drive with the SATA drivers.
- Locate and load the appropriate drivers from the USB drive.
4. Complete Installation:
- The SATA drivers should now be loaded, enabling Windows 7 to detect the hard drives and partitions.
- Proceed with the installation as usual, now being able to see your hard drives and proceed with the setup.
Following these steps should allow you to load the necessary SATA drivers during the Windows 7 installation, ensuring that the hard drives and partitions are recognized and selectable for the setup process.
