
New Member
Jun 16, 2009
Hey guys I was fiddling around with my pc trying to replace the start orb with the PS button (playstation) by using reshack.

So I saved the original .bmp edited it in PS and saved it as a .bmp I then editied the registry to use my newly created psexplorer.exe. I then ended my original explorer and selected the nex psexplorer located in C:\Windows.old\ (I just copied the windows folder and pasted it in C:\

But now every time I turn on my computer its all black and I have to manually start pxexplorer.exe from the task manager and the thing is its still the original windows 7 start orb even though I used reshack to replace Bitmap>6801>1033

Any help is much appreciated because I'm really stumped.


I have fixed the startup issue by entering the direct path in regedit but still even after a reboot its the same start orb, I even checked with Reshack the Bitmap>6801>1033 and it showed my created .bmp so why is this happening? is there a specific size for the start orb (perhaps mine is too big?)

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Yea I actually found out that 6805 is the icon set for the large icons superbar so I replaced those and guess what it worked! But the thing is winows 7 is adding a weird blue aura around the button and it looks really bad IMO i tried to resize the image both larger and smaller but that light blue, almost transparent glow is around it :S

Oh yea I followed this tutorial, it's really helpful and tells you alot of info: Skinning Se7en | custom start buttons - Windows 7 Forums

So anyway to get rid of that blue glow?
Possibly because they are not the exact same size.

There are many variations of the graphic, you need to make sure you choose the right one.

what exactly do you mean?

Here is the default .bmp:

Link Removed

Here is my .bmp:

Link Removed

I even redid it and made them smaller:

Link Removed

Did you replace #6801 through 6812? The different numbers depend on what resolution you are using.

They have to be the exact size annd dimensions

Yea I actually found out that 6805 is the icon set for the large icons superbar so I replaced those and guess what it worked! But the thing is winows 7 is adding a weird blue aura around the button and it looks really bad IMO i tried to resize the image both larger and smaller but that light blue, almost transparent glow is around it :S

Oh yea I followed this tutorial, it's really helpful and tells you alot of info: Skinning Se7en | custom start buttons - Windows 7 Forums

So anyway to get rid of that blue glow?

You stated Reshack, are you actually referring to Angus's Resource Hacker? Does the resource editor give the file size on the status bar or elsewhere?

It's tough for me to try out as I have killed the Start orb completely and an using csmenu for the classic look.

Giving up so soon?

I spent weeks hacking the shell32.dll and shell32.dll.mui trying to bring basic the Classic menu.

I found it was linked to other Dll's and each one had to be modified. I finally gave up on that one.

The only program I have run across that can give you the Classic look is the program I mentioned above. It was programmed by someone of this very forum.

I know of no way to remove the Superbar.......yet:)

Giving up so soon?

I spent weeks hacking the shell32.dll and shell32.dll.mui trying to bring basic the Classic menu.

I found it was linked to other Dll's and each one had to be modified. I finally gave up on that one.

The only program I have run across that can give you the Classic look is the program I mentioned above. It was programmed by someone of this very forum.

I know of no way to remove the Superbar.......yet:)
That thread got you rearin to go! hey Reghakr? Right up your alley

lol well I'll look into some stuff, but for now the original will have to do...

I'm sure many more programs will come out in the future to help mod windows 7.

Oh yea here's a neat little app I found that easily changes your logon screen: Link Removed due to 404 Error

And how to add a right click option to take ownership of any file works with se7en: Link Removed

That is a nice little app for the login screen.

The Take Ownership has been around for a while.

It was part of Orbit's Plus Patch for Windows 7.

Good luck tweaking, let me know if you come across some gems.:)

"It was part of Orbit's Plus Patch for Windows 7."

What exactly is this? Where can I find it?

"Good luck tweaking, let me know if you come across some gems."

Yup :) is there any particular thread or site that lists some/keeps you informed on em?

Orbit''s Plus Patch allowed some unique options.

You could defeat the time nuke, register your copy, enable regional themes, enable Dreamscape (I loved that one), and some registry hacks which included the Take Ownership registry script.

I used this in the first public beta, I don't know whether it works for other builds.

You can try a search for it, but you'll probably only find it on the torrent sites.

I'm going to try my best to come up with registry tweaks that work with Windows 7 under the Windows Support > Link Removed due to 404 Error
