Windows 10 Forced pin replacement at startup wy


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2019
Hey !
My machine asks me to change the PIN at startup every about a month.
How can this be eliminated so that you don't have to change your pin code the other way you want?
The operating system is Windows 10 Home
Home 1o login secret word fault? User Account Bug?
Thank you in advance for your reply
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thanks for the reply but the linked help will not work in the Home 1o login secret word fault? User Account Bug?
If there is a property called Expiration under this key
delete it. This would have been something you added as it's not normally there in Windows 10 Home.
HI Sorry the asker just announced that he had made the device work by returning the point to the point before the onset of the trouble thanks for your answer
Neemobeer thanks . . Rapaaja
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