
New Member
May 17, 2009
The games menu item is not as flexible as the Pictures, Music and Documents menu items. It seems to be more hardcoded into the system. A few things I noticed:

-Right-clicking on Games in the windows menu doesn't show the same options as the Documents, Pictures, and Music menu items. For example there is no properties menu item. I found this extremely useful for the other menu items as I like change the default folders to search in other areas. There is also no option not to show games in the navigation pane. This can be done with Music etc.

-Games is not a library just like Music and Document and Pictures. I guess what this means is that I have no way of adding games. Anywhere in the system I can right-click on a folder and choose to add to library for Pictures etc. For games if I don't install a game in windows, it will not add it to the games menu item. A lot of games aren't necessarily installed through windows. Also if I choose to 'Hide this Game' from the games menu I have no idea how to get it back. I guess instead of adding a folder though you would right-click on an exe...

-I don't really want microsoft as my gaming provider. I don't want gaming providers at all actually. It just clutters up the menu when you open it. Also if you are a gaming provider why not include games other than things like backgammon and cards. I'm a gamer, I like real games not the type that are free with windows. Everytime I install windows I have to go through the hassle of removing a bunch of games I'll never play. Again this assumes you fix the issues above.

Basically as a user I want to be able to customize the games menu item. Otherwise it is of no use to me and I'm just going to find a way to remove it completely. If you can't fix all the issues above at least allow it to be removed from the start menu...
Well firstly I just found out you can remove 'Games' as well as other items from the start menu. This can be done by right-clicking on the Start menu and then selecting properties. Then select the 'Start Menu' tab and then 'Customize. This is great as I can remove 'Games' as it is currently pointless.

I still think this should be a type of library just like pictures etc. I don't mean that games should be built into the OS. Instead, just like pictures, and music I should be able to add a game to the games library. It currently does this when you install a game from scratch, but if you already have a game on the system somewhere, that wasn't installed through windows, as many of the ones I have on my system now I had installed originally...

Hello and Welcome to Windows7forums..

I can instantly tell you've put some thought into this... I'm curious, have you submitted this to Microsoft?

I agree with you on most points.. Though the idea of building "real" games into the OS is a good one, it'll never happen simply because if they were to do this, they'd then have to up the minimum requirements to run the OS (run the games), which would in turn piss alot of people off, which would in turn lower sales, which would in turn give the OS a very bad image.. etc (It's a vicious circle.. )

But as a fellow hardcore gamer, I do agree with your view on this..
Well firstly I just found out you can remove 'Games' as well as other items from the start menu. This can be done by right-clicking on the Start menu and then selecting properties. Then select the 'Start Menu' tab and then 'Customize. This is great as I can remove 'Games' as it is currently pointless.

I still think this should be a type of library just like pictures etc. I don't mean that games should be built into the OS. Instead, just like pictures, and music I should be able to add a game to the games library. It currently does this when you install a game from scratch, but if you already have a game on the system somewhere, that wasn't installed through windows, as many of the ones I have on my system now I had installed originally in XP, you can't simply add it to the games menu. I also can see no way to change where it is getting the games from in the games menu. Anyhow all this makes having a game menu item pointless. Also it was annoying when it was on the start menu even though I would never use it. If it was a library and I could add new games to that library I would definitely use it. I like the idea of libraries, as as long as they're customizable, as they currently are, they appeal to both casual and advanced users...

How do I submit this to microsoft? I thought this forum actually was for feedback on windows 7. Is there another forum somewhere?