
New Member
Feb 19, 2013
Running W7 Home premium sp1 on Zoostorm Intel 3Ghz i5 8Gb RAM. Each time I shut down I get: 2 windows updates that need to be installed. I looked in the database on several forums and thought I had found the solution, following the instructions that apparently came from MS site, and did the following, went into services stopped updates, changed the folder Windows> Software Distribution added OLD to the file name. Returned to services reactivated the updates and rebooted. However this does not seemed to have cured the problem. If I go to Update history, the following update shows 5 times as being a successful installed :
Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2656351).
Running Belarc Advisor it shows two copies of this KB2656351 as two critical updates still required by the computer.
The other update that it appears not to recognize as installed is (KB2600217)
Further info: I have just run the Microsoft Fix it program and it states it has "Repaired Windows Update components" but it makes no difference on shutdown I am still getting the "Please do not power off or unplug your machine - installing updates 1of 2"
I have uninstalled the 2 updates stopped the automatic updating, done a clean reboot reinstalled the two updates manually. Still with the same problem.
Tried system restore and reinstalled again no luck. The update history keeps saying the update is successful, But the MS update system does not recognize the update as being installed.

Any advice appreciated.

About all I could advise is to check the "Installed Updates" and see if you can uninstall them.

I am showing 12 .Net 4 Client updates, all installed on 2/13.

You are shutting your system down completely every now and then and not just doing restarts?
1. There may be a lock by a newly installed program. You might want to try an earlier restoration point?
3. KB2656351 seems to have caused some extra problems, conflicting with some software, like http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_update/problem-regarding-windows-update-kb2656351-and/d0a1052c-731e-4b2d-af5c-285fc57a2b34
4. Same with Windows update KB 2600217 & KB2633870 will not install. Have tried - Microsoft Community

Unfortunately there's not much more I can deliver. I would recommend that you check conflicting programs mentioned in links given, and the either by uninstalling them, or by going to a previous restoration point, solving it.

Generally, if you get stuck with one update, you may be stuck forever.
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Thanks guys, Yes as I said in my original post, the history shows that these updates have been installed, it is just that the MS updater does not appear to recognize that they are installed. Yes I have done uninstall - complete shutdown - (clean reboot with no other software running), Re-install complete shutdown and restart. I have done every variation I can think of, including the MS spyware virus scanner that shows NO alien software!! After doing all suggested on the MS site and still having a negative result they don't offer any further options.
Thanks Titanic I will have a look at your links but I think I am going to have to give up on this one. The MS fixit program says there are two modes standard and aggressive, but I never get the option to run the aggressive mode, as it says it has fixed the problem, which it obviously hasn't
Tried all the suggestions thanks. but I can't find any conflicting software, also doing an install in safe mode, there shouldn't be any other software running. But nothing seems to work, as Titanic says I think I am stuck with the problem. Windows drives me nuts!!
Unfortunately these problems are quite often impossible to solve. There is no clear and simple reason and thus, one cannot solve it by switching on or off. I just had an update from Microsoft, resulting in a totally hopeless situation - my OS had worked flawless for a year and then... BANG! I re-installed, and got myself two Windows 7 installations to choose from at boot. Didn't like it, so I did everything to clear all Windows out, and re-install on a clear basis --- and what did I get? I got THREE Windows 7 installations as options at boot.

What say I? I have no doubt that Microsoft personal are qualified, whereas I am not. I'm an amateur, period. I can do what needs to be done when fish is on move and catches, but I'm not a professional fisherman. That's a totally different group.

One of the difficulties with our Brave New IT World is, it's all marketed as plain and simple: push the button... off it goes. It's like "Come here, and we will make you a Star". When in fact, you're about to hit the Alps, with all elephants hanging on your back.

I would really advice you like I did advice earlier on several occasions: check the whole thing with an expert. Someone who truly knows it. Fighting against and with something you don't know, will only burn your fuses. --- YOU CAN TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!!

Cheers, best wishes.
Thanks for trying Titanic. I'll just leave the updates set to manual and select which ones to download and install, it just means the above two updates will always be in the list. The history says they are installed successfully, its just the MS updater doesn't recognize it as such. Bit of a pain but I can live with it.
Bit of a pain but I can live with it.
You have my sympathy and complete understanding, as I too went through this and lived with it for a while. The problem was that I was not getting the "real" updates. Eventually I decided to bite the bullet and called Microsoft tech support. As usual I ended up talking to someone in Banglalore who spent a couple of hours trying this and that, as he controlled my computer (under my watchful eye ). He eventually said it was beyond him and he had tried all the standard corrections. He would have to pass me on to "escalation," the center for which is in New Delhi. I then spent about four or five hours with a very knowledgeable fellow who solved it. In the end, we had to do what I would call a "non-destructive" reinstall of Windows7. I forget what the real term is. Then, of course, there was a mile-long list of updates waiting and I worked through those; I am happy to say I have had no problem since. He said there could be multiple reasons why this might have occurred and did not know which.
The good news is that, for whatever strange reason, they did not charge me to do this.

I should perhaps add the kicker. With all this pretty fresh in my mind, I received a call about three weeks later from a female with an Indian accent, saying she was calling from Microsoft Technical Support. They had been monitoring my computer and, every time I went on the web I was uploading malware. They wanted to correct it. Somewhat incredulous, I said I did not know how that could be as I had just scanned my system with three anti-malware/anti-virus packages (true), and my system was clean. I told her I had computer experience going back fifty years (true) and had been a programmer myself (true). I did not believe she was correct. She offered to show me the problem via my CMD window and at that point I balked, and hung up. MICROSOFT TECHNICAL SUPPORT NEVER MALES AN UNSOLICITED CALL tO ANY USER!! Apparently this is a well-known scam, in which they offer to solve a non-existent problem in return for a price charge to one's credit card number.
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