I'm having some graphical performance issues while simply navigating in windows.
Simply by dragging icons or open folders I can notice some stuttering, almost like a framerate issue. Minimizing or maximizing folders is also NOT smooth, it's almost like I don't have video card drivers installed ( which I have
), things just seem to drag.
I also have performance issues on software like Adobe Photoshop CS3, zooming in or out of pictures is very slow and choppy.
My system specs are:
Intel Core i5 750
4GB Ram DDR3
ATI RADEON HD 5850 with the latest drivers.
600W power supply
Windows 7 64 bit.
Now in videogames my performance is generally pretty good. Oddly, on heavier games like Crysis, it runs better then more old games like World of Warcraft ( which can have some pretty heavy framerate drops on some zones with heavy vegetation). Other games like Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, Alien vs Predator ( the new one ), the performance is great.
This problems are getting very annoying and the problem is that I'm not sure if they are related to Windows, or my hardware.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!