"Hello, Kinect?" - Kinect v2 Speech Recognition example


Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
Chicago, IL
Bruno Capuano, Friend of the Gallery, shows how fast the Kinect for Windows v2 SDK has been evolving, this time showing off the new Speech Recognition...

[#KINECTSDK] Speech recognition now available in SDK V2!

“This is preliminary software and/or hardware and APIs are preliminary and subject to change”


We asked for it, and now we finally have weekly builds for the new Kinect V2 SDK. Now the interesting thing is that we have tons of interesting work in each release to review what you have inside. So today, a small review of something that already exists in Kinect SDK V1.8 and needed in V2: Speech Recognition.

The basis is simple and safe that you know, create a dictionary with words within the same. The interesting thing is that we make the Association of the audio feed of Kinect with the speech grammar defined in line 5 in line 18


Project Information URL: http://elbruno.com/2014/07/03/kinectsdk-speech-recognition-now-available-in-sdk-v2/

Project Source URL: https://gist.github.com/elbruno/e4816d4d5a59a3b159eb#file-elbrunokw4v2speech

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