Windows 7 Help!!! Cannot open anything no files problem.


New Member
Jul 9, 2010
Hello, I am running windows 7 and I came home from work and my spysweeper told em i had a trojan, "trojan.fakealert" I ran the sweep and got rid of the trojan only probem is I cannot open any files. I tried running in Safe mode, Nothing works. I go to start go to the search programs and files, I type in "Regedit" I click on that than it says "C:\Windows\regedit.exe Application not found.

What first one ?? I didn't suggest anything that you have to pay for !!

Ok lets start over again ;)

1.Download this file "Link Removed due to 404 ErrorLink Removed due to 404 Error" and "Link Removed due to 404 Error"
2. Save the .zip file to your desktop.
3. Open the .zip file, then extract the .reg file to the desktop.
4. Right click on the .reg file and click on Merge.
5. Click on the Run button in the Security Warning pop-up.
6. Click on Continue (UAC), Yes, and OK when prompted.
Also when i try to open a program i get a window message saying "open with"

Yeah i tried the first one but it wants me to purchase this scan to fix it. Why do i have to do that? I mean this is problem shouldnt it be free?

What first one ?? I didn't suggest anything that you have to pay for !!

Ok lets start over again ;)

1.Download this file "Link Removed due to 404 ErrorLink Removed due to 404 Error" and "Link Removed due to 404 Error"
2. Save the .zip file to your desktop.
3. Open the .zip file, then extract the .reg file to the desktop.
4. Right click on the .reg file and click on Merge.
5. Click on the Run button in the Security Warning pop-up.
6. Click on Continue (UAC), Yes, and OK when prompted.
7. When done, you can delete the downloaded .zip and .reg files on the desktop if you like.
8. Log off and log on, or restart the computer to apply.

Hope this helps,
