
New Member
Apr 13, 2009
When i boot from DVD it just starts like windows 7 and then get stuck with a cool background (and i can move my mouse but nothing else)

And when i open the ISO with Daemon Tools or using the DVD in windows XP it says: Setup is copying temporary files
and few secs after this error!
Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible, and restart the installation.

Error code: 0xC0000005

First i thought its because i used fake build (7077.0.090404-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD)
but i downloaded something lots of people said will work and still the same thing (7057.0.090305-2000_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GB1CULFRER_EN_DVD)

now i suspect it might be something in my computer if its the build please give me a download for a working one i'm craving to see windows 7

im using windows 7 build 7077 x86 and had no problems whatsoever mind u i use a little program called dban first it completly wipes my HDD so i know i get a good clean install.
it could be that the disc u burnt was set to burn too quick try burning at the slowest speed possible and if whatever u use to burn the disc with has a verify the data option check that as well.
if u cant get it working and have another machine u can use for browsing the net and whatever google dban burn it to a disk and run that first it may take a few hours depending on your drive size but i can honestly say i have never had any problems installing any OS after using it.

When i boot from DVD it just starts like windows 7 and then get stuck with a cool background (and i can move my mouse but nothing else)

And when i open the ISO with Daemon Tools or using the DVD in windows XP it says: Setup is copying temporary files
and few secs after this error!
Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible, and restart the installation.

Error code: 0xC0000005

First i thought its because i used fake build (7077.0.090404-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD)
but i downloaded something lots of people said will work and still the same thing (7057.0.090305-2000_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GB1CULFRER_EN_DVD)

now i suspect it might be something in my computer if its the build please give me a download for a working one i'm craving to see windows 7

Informtion required to properly answer your question are:

  • The Hardware specification of your system [ Processor, Motherboard, RAM ,and all add -on cards [ installed in PCI, PCIE AGP slots] .If it is a Brand Name Computer its EXACT Make and Model can help us search online for those details but if it is an Assembled Computer you need to provide the Make and Model of the important components listed above] or you may check your Computer to see if it is ready for VISTA which I use as a surrogate for Win 7 installation readiness [You can also download VISTA Upgrade Advisor and Run to get that info]
  • Are you trying an Upgrade Install or Custom Install?
  • Try and see by disconnecting all Peripherals like USB printers HDDs, Flash drives etc connected to the PC and AntiVirus esp Norton/ McAfee to rule out interfrence from them.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400
2.31 GHZ, 2.00 GB of RAM
Geforce 8800 GTS 312 MB

About is it a Custom or Upgrade i think i tried both (or custom is when you format you compter then no..)
what i tried:
While the Windows XP SP3 is still installed and when i boot from DVD it just starts like windows 7 and then get stuck with a cool background (and i can move my mouse but nothing else)
when i open it (using Daemon tools or inserting the DVD i burned) it says: Setup is copying temporary files
and few secs after this error!
Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible, and restart the installation.

Error code: 0xC0000005

i burned the DVD in imgburn on maximum but it verifies the disk and there were no errors cause in Nero it says its more than 2GB and cannot be burned as an image (or something like that)

i cant check now if it works on other computers cause no body in my house but me has DVD but me and it almost 3 in the night so i cant check at my friends house but tomorrow ill try and report to you


(by the way great layout i really thought it was Microsoft's site haha :))

I burn it slowest i could and the same thing again!!!!!!!!

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I'm sorry but I'm a tad confused here, are you trying to do an upgrade or a clean install? If your trying to do an upgrade than I'd suggest doing a clean install.. Which is just a matter of booting off your win 7 installation disc then formatting your HDD OR just the partition you wish to install 7 on, then installing win 7.. ;) I wouldn't go the upgrade route simply because it often times presents errors such as the one's you are getting...

It could be your ISO though.. it may be corrupt.. I'm not sure why Nero would be saying it can't be burned as an ISO unless it's compressed.. if it's compressed than you just need to extract it first than burn it.. ;)

I wouldn't use build 7057 as it's known to have alot of problems.. 7077 should work fine or one of the older builds (7000, 7022, 7068)...

With the RC so close to being released though you'd be further ahead to just wait really.. it sucks to wait I know, but it would save you the hassle of just getting one of these builds installed then have to turn around and install again... ;) But that of course is up to you....

I tried both and both ain't working XD

when the RC will be released it will be the official build?
when is it going to get out?
i cant upgrade my windows 7 build?
im sure even in 2010 i wont uninstall my Windows 7 there has to be some kind of a crack :)

I tried both and both ain't working XD

when the RC will be released it will be the official build?
when is it going to get out?
i cant upgrade my windows 7 build?
im sure even in 2010 i wont uninstall my Windows 7 there has to be some kind of a crack :)

Sorry this Beta release of Win 7 you downloaded and burned into a DVD did not work out well for you.

"Beta" by definition is a software that has "features" the developer envisaged that the user might like and want but also includes "Bugs" that would become more apparent during the "real world" situation when ordinary user (not softeware engineers) puts it to use. Microsoft while contacting us to "test" this software was quite explicit in warning us about its potential 'side effects", asked us to take reasonable safeguards of our existing system and personal data against their loss from unexpected "crash" and also suggested to us some tools to test our system to verify whether or not our existing hardware and software environment would be compatible for the use of Win7. Microsoft urged us to report back our experience with this Beta release.
It is my undestanding that when the software reaches the "Beta" stage in its development ,it has reached "full maturity" from the "Features" point and usually there wouldn't be any more additional "Features" to the software. Therefore, this Beta 7 Build 7000 Microsoft allowed us to download and any other Builds you might have heard about or come across would give the Beta testers a "preview" of what to expect from Windows 7 [they might compare this with earlier versions of Windows, perhaps MACs and Linux Distros in various aspects]. Once enough Beta Test results both closed and open [especially the bad "side effects" the testers report back or the Crash "reports Microsoft collects with your permission (you are asked to send after an "Event" -BSOD) ]are collated , analyzed and the "bugs" are "fixed (hopefully :-)) then , the so called RC (Release Candidate) with a potential for final release- unless a last minute fatal bug report "stops the launch "[reminds me of the Space craft sitting on the launching pad on final count down .. "Is it a Go or Abort by the Mission Control..:-)."] -comes out. RC is code complete and no new source code will be added at this stage.
The next stage is the RTM [Release To Marketing (Manufacturing)] or the so called "Gold Edition" the software Image that might in future comes with SP (Sevice Packs) with additional bug fixes and refinements once mass distribution and use result in additional bug reports and security issues. I guess your question whether the RC is going to be the "official build" is in this context and I hope the above information would be useful to you and others. I hope others with better knowledge and insight will correct me if I was wrong anywhere and /or add additional information useful to anyone reading this thread.

but when will RC come out? and is the gold edition going out in 2010 or 2009?

i checked it in my friends PC and it didn't give this error!!

what could it be then? maybe cause my PC is AMD based? or its because of my antivirus (i use Avira antivirus)..

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but when will RC come out? and is the gold edition going out in 2010 or 2009?

i checked it in my friends PC and it didn't give this error!!

what could it be then? maybe cause my PC is AMD based? or its because of my antivirus (i use Avira antivirus)..

Since the Disc is proven good in another computer [it has no corrupt system and the disc is not dirty or scratched], try and see if there is any problem with your DVD drive in which the Win 7 DVD was booted from. Simple problems like dust can impair its laser reaching the Disc to read it properly and hopefully can be remedied by a can of compressed air. If that is not the issue, try a different DVD -ROM or Burner installed in that system and boot the disc. I doubt AMD processor has anything to do with this problem. Hope this helps.

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Where are you guys finding the new builds? I've got build 7000 x64 working fine with all updates.


Sorry for hi-jacking.

it cant be because of the DVD-ROM cause i tried it with Daemon Tools and got same problem

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please help me this is really important to me and i got a breakthrough, it works on other computers!

BUMP please help!?


Where are you guys finding the new builds? I've got build 7000 x64 working fine with all updates.


Sorry for hi-jacking.

Do a search on most every torrent site - for example windows 7 7077 should get lots of results and good luck .

Link Removed - Invalid URL

Link Removed - Invalid URL

It has nothing to do with the fact that your using an AMD based system.. ;) 3 of my 5 home pc's are AMD and Windows 7 works flawlessly on all of them.. so it's definitely NOT that.. :)

It seems like you've eliminated your dvd-rom as well.. so if it's not that then you have to sit back and think, what else is there?

Well it could be driver related.. if your using a SATA hard drive then maybe you need to install a driver before the Windows 7 installation begins.. this is most likely not the case.. but hey, stranger things have happened and you shouldn't ignore any possibilities in a situation like this until they've been proven to not be the problem.. ;)

The only other thing I can think of right now that may be the cause is perhaps you have a peripheral device plugged in (usb drive, webcam, printer, etc) that's causing the error.. Some other's have had this type of problem and that's what the cause turned out to be.. I'd suggest unplugging ALL unnecessary devices/add-on cards prior to the installation and see if that makes a difference at all.. ;)

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i only have my mouse in USB - CHECKED, Not the problem
what is the driver i need where can i download it?
long time ago i had DUAL-BOOT with linux and windows xp and i deleted the linux partition using partition magic could this made the problem?

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i only have my mouse in USB
what is the driver i need where can i download it?
long time ago i had DUAL-BOOT with linux and windows xp and i deleted the linux partition using partition magic could this made the problem?

Partition magic has known compatibility issues with Vista but not with windows Xp so that is not the problem .

Go with what Radenight has said and see if that works :) Ah sorry you have tried all of that I am at a loss this way to help

Other then that go to the site for the hard drive and look for anything related to drivers as Radenight has said and good luck .

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I download data lifeguard tool and tried all the tools i downloaded it from Western Digital site and there is no other driver so i think it this but it didnt help.. :(

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I download data lifeguard tool and tried all the tools i downloaded it from Western Digital site and there is no other driver so i think it this but it didnt help.. :(

Hey no need for bad language only trying to help :)

Lost interest now good luck !

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hey im sorry but its frustrating me, and i dont even really know what it means XD
I've tried everything but it wont work and i went to my friends PC in the first try it worked!


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