While Kaspersky is a Russian based company they are still well regarded in the cyber security community. If you do end of switching security vendors I'd keep in mind that Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware are more or less used interchangeably and typically offer the same protection where as an "internet security suite" product will often include additional features such as it's own firewall (use instead of Windows firewall), remote locate, remote wipe, backup functionality and some times others. A couple of good site for reviews are here
The Best Antivirus Protection for 2019
and here
Consumer | AV-Comparatives
I personally have used Webroot on all of my devices (the internet security suite is a 5 license product). Webroot is extremely light weight and heavy on cloud analytics and AI with a different approach that journals all activity on your system. Unknown processes are marked and journal while the binaries are sent to the cloud for analysis. If Webroot determines the process is malicious Webroot will simply undo all of the changes made including ransomware. Common attack types (such as those that harvest data are blocked right away. Webroot is based out of Boulder Colorado (I almost worked there)