Samual Bird

New Member
Nov 4, 2012
Hey guys really didn't know were to post this, But after days of looking for a fast and pretty way to
shutdown,restart,sleep and lock my computer in windows 8 i came up with this solution

I have created very simple batch files with commands to shutdown,restart,lock,sleep that are simple to create
and use a simple tool to add your own tiles to the start menu called OblyTile(freeware)

Hope this helps someone

Download my Batch files and icons here Also includes OblyTile

If you don't want to use my Batch files for security reasons its easy to create your own
Make a new txt file copy each line in red from below into the body of the txt file.

To Lock type "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation" then save as Lock.bat

To Shut Down type "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 00" then save as Shut Down.bat

To Sleep type "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0" then save as Sleep.bat

To Restart type "C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00" then save as Restart.bat

OblyTile is very self explanatory, But for the 30x30 icon just use the 256x256 win8 will re size it

This is what mine look like, You can select any color you like


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These have been discussed and shown at various times throughout the development of Win 8. I posted these the first time during Win 8 CP. I would be very reluctant to download and run any batch file I can not see and check ahead of time. Please post the various statements in the batch file.

These have been discussed and shown at various times throughout the development of Win 8. I posted these the first time during Win 8 CP. I would be very reluctant to download and run any batch file I can not see and check ahead of time. Please post the various statements in the batch file.

Yeah the shortcuts have but not making icons :P

And i did write the batch files for those who didn't want to download them :P

For anyone who just wants the icons for risk of downloading my batch files here they are
