Windows 7 HP G72 intermitent charge

big pete

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2015
Hi HP G72 will only charge intermitently. A new power socket was fitted to see if it was that also anew battery
I was told it is a common fault with HP laptops by someone calling himself A LAPTOP DOCTOR. I have had six HP laptops since 2002 and this is the first with this problem. Can anyone help with this.
He also said the motherboard looked like it was in good shape
That just sounds like he did a visual inspection and didn't see any scorch marks or cracked soldering joints. If the problem occurs with two chargers, two batteries, and the connector has been replaced, then to me, that leaves the motherboard. And with that, the tech may be right about not spending any more money on it. But you sure don't have to buy from him.

Your only other option that I see is to take it a different shop and see what they say.
Well, I was going to suggest the notebook's power connector as those breaking (or their solder joints breaking) is a common problem. But you said that was replaced so I am going to assume it was done correctly. You also replaced the battery so that leaves the charger or the internal charging circuits (which could indicate a motherboard problem :().

Since you've had 6 HPs, if you still have them, I would look at their chargers to see if any compatible and give them a try. You need to make sure they are the same voltage and the connector the same, and the + and - (polarity) are on the same pins.

Alternatively I use and recommend a Link Removed. I use this on service calls and when troubleshooting notebooks. You select the proper tip (out of 13 provided) and it automatically adjusts its output voltage for the battery or notebook it encounters. Thus far, I have had no problems using it on my own Toshiba, as well as several client's Dells, HP/Compac, eMachine, Sony, Lenova, Acer, and even Apple notebooks.
Hi Thanks Digerati for responding. I will explain the the symtem and repairs so far.
The laptop stopped charging. I replaced the first the charger with a HP replacement for this model but it became
intermitent charging. so I bought a new battery No joy so I had the charging point changed on the motherboard.
The repairer tells me not to spend much more on this machine Because it was HP and they were known for charging faults
He also said the motherboard looked like it was in good shape. every thing passed his tests. I should just sell and buy a new one
he could do me a deal on an acer E5
This in my opinion he was just trying to sellme a laptop.
He also said the motherboard looked like it was in good shape
That just sounds like he did a visual inspection and didn't see any scorch marks or cracked soldering joints. If the problem occurs with two chargers, two batteries, and the connector has been replaced, then to me, that leaves the motherboard. And with that, the tech may be right about not spending any more money on it. But you sure don't have to buy from him.

Your only other option that I see is to take it a different shop and see what they say.
Hmm yes I think a different repairer will be the way to go I will let you know
how I fair. Thanks for you advice.