
New Member
Jan 14, 2009
For some unknown reason, Windows 7 was crashing and locking up on me like crazy, it kept getting worse and worse I tried restoring back a day ago but that didn't work either, then it got to the point Windows wouldn't even start right. I tried fixing the start up with the start up repair function and that didn't work right either, So I rebooted, and went into safe mode, then did a system restore back to about 3 days ago. That has seemed to work as it has stopped crashing like it was, and seems to be running good now. Just a couple of annoyances.

I'm seriously considering re-formatting and re-install fresh. I'll see how well it works tomorrow.

I'm not sure what caused it. I know I did install and uninstall a few programs, that might have done it, but I don't know. It seems to be running good today.
I still have two minor problems though.....

1. IE8- When I go to a certain website, and try to read messages there, a white screen pops up and blocks the page. This happens every time I go to this one website, it's a website called Ranger-Forums, which talks about Ford Ranger trucks. This website works fine if I go there using Firefox, but not IE8. I tried changing my security and safety settings around, but nothing seems to help. This only happens with this one website, other than that IE 8 is working great for me..... Hmmmm.....I'm stumped...:confused:

2. Firefox doesn't...
starting again with a fresh install losses its appeal the 3rd time round yeh?

i just had to do system restore as well. some cirtical update today messed it up for me. i went to the time before that and everything went back to normal. i had the same thing as you. random crashes. horrible lag. unusable at all. whatever it was i restored and it worked. now tho my windows update doesnt work x.x but i can live without any little updates

I'm not sure what caused it. I know I did install and uninstall a few programs, that might have done it, but I don't know. It seems to be running good today.
I still have two minor problems though.....

1. IE8- When I go to a certain website, and try to read messages there, a white screen pops up and blocks the page. This happens every time I go to this one website, it's a website called Ranger-Forums, which talks about Ford Ranger trucks. This website works fine if I go there using Firefox, but not IE8. I tried changing my security and safety settings around, but nothing seems to help. This only happens with this one website, other than that IE 8 is working great for me..... Hmmmm.....I'm stumped...:confused:

2. Firefox doesn't remember my log in info. It seems to clear it everytime I close it. Meaning I have to re-type in my log in name and password everytime. I've tried re-installing it, I've tried version 2.0 and 3.05 with the same results. Hmmm. stumped again. :confused:

i just had to do system restore as well. some cirtical update today messed it up for me. i went to the time before that and everything went back to normal. i had the same thing as you. random crashes. horrible lag. unusable at all. whatever it was i restored and it worked. now tho my windows update doesnt work x.x but i can live without any little updates

:rolleyes: Pray tell what critical update could this have been you congenially refer heretofore?
