
New Member
Apr 7, 2010
Don't know where to ask this but I - and many, many others, it seems - have a problem with IE not opening in full screen.

I have been up on other site and tried every suggestion I have found but still about half my pages open full page and half don't.

I can't believe MS hasn't put out a fix to this problem - any suggestions? - jb

Edit - installed IE 9 and still have the proplem. - jb :(

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Don't know where to ask this but I - and many, many others, it seems - have a problem with IE not opening in full screen.

I have been up on other site and tried every suggestion I have found but still about half my pages open full page and half don't.

I can't believe MS hasn't put out a fix to this problem - any suggestions? - jb

Edit - installed IE 9 and still have the proplem. - jb :(
First could you tell us how IE9 opens? Maximize or Windowed
Hold the Windows Logo Key on your keyboard and strike the "R" key
and ht enter or click OK
If it opens windowed (any size other than maximized), maximize it then close it with the red x in the top right and
do it again Win Logo + R...
1st time I, personally, have ever heard of this; not in anything I've read & not from any clients & definately not, 1st hand. Try re-insalling IE9

Drew, I went searching for a fix and found lots and lots of people with the same problem and no fixes that work.

Apparently, IE opens in the same size window as you closed the page and one of the suggestions was to make the page full size and then close - that didn't work. Also, suggested that you hold down "shift" or "Ctrl" and then close using the close under the file menue - that didn't work either.

Back a ways, there was an options to "show in full screen" but that was taken out a few upgrades later.

I will try your suggestion and appreciate your time. - jb

F11 does full screen. & yes, whatever size a browser window is when closed, it will re-open to that same size.

Was just saying, I, personally, have never heard of this, before... to be w/out such normal, default behavior.


Tks, Drew - I make the windows full screen before I close and they still come back up smaller.

I don't know of anything I have changed but if the default settings might cure the problem, how do I get it back to defaults? - jb

Maybe I didn't say that very well. I meant it more as 'natural, by design behavior'. I know of thing to make this happen, it's just how it's supposed to be. Never seen or heard of this. Besides re-installing IE9... maybe someone else can help you.


Don't know where to ask this but I - and many, many others, it seems - have a problem with IE not opening in full screen.

I have been up on other site and tried every suggestion I have found but still about half my pages open full page and half don't.

I can't believe MS hasn't put out a fix to this problem - any suggestions? - jb

Edit - installed IE 9 and still have the proplem. - jb :(
First could you tell us how IE9 opens? Maximize or Windowed
Hold the Windows Logo Key on your keyboard and strike the "R" key
and ht enter or click OK
If it opens windowed (any size other than maximized), maximize it then close it with the red x in the top right and
do it again Win Logo + R, type iexplore.exe and hit enter or click OK
Internet explorer's default behavior is to open in the same sized window as it had been in when it was last closed.
Is this the same behavior that you are observing regarding simply opening and closing the browser?
Now regarding the " half do and half don't issue". Are you opening these pages from within the browser or from a desktop shortcut or a shortcuts folder where you have created links to sites that you often visit?
If so select, then right click the shortcut and choose properties examine the value of the Run: property and change it to "Maximized"
See attachment.

T - when I click on the IE icon, it comes up full page to the Google advance search, which is my default home page. When I click on the Gmail icon, it opens full page IF I already have IE open. But when I click on the Gmail - or any other icon - with IE closed they come up half page.

When I did as you suggested - logo+R, iexplore.exe - it came up in half window. I maxed it, closed and did same and it now comes up full page.

BUT - I still have the same problem with the icons.

I did as you said about the right click and I do not get the same menu to come up as you - there is no "shortcut" on the menu that comes up. The only choices I have are - General, Web Documemt. Security, Details and Previous Versions. There is no "maximize" under any of them. - jb

Edit - I now have no toolbars on top of my IE and can't find a way to get them back. Have no favorites, etc., so have to type in what I want to go to. - jb

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Edit - I now have no toolbars on top of my IE and can't find a way to get them back. Have no favorites, etc., so have to type in what I want to go to. - jb
If you are in full screen mode then just hit F11 on your keyboard again to reverse it (F11 in and out of Full Screen)
If you are in normal max or windowed right click anywhere that is blank on the very top of the IE window (usually blue but could be any color) and the right click context menu should allow you to turn back on your menu bar, favorites bar, etc.,.

Tks, T - got them all back. :)

Unless I have IE open, every icon I have clicked on comes up half page and every link I click on in an email comes up half page.

Tks for the help, all - I appreciate it. - jb
