Quality IS worth it & Win7 is good. Don't wait, for whatever reasons, including cost, Drew

Wow... a sight modification in your post and I've found the perfect Microsoft marketing slogan.

definitely but I have also Snow Leopard

definitely!! I have no problems with the software I have. btw, Mil Shield is a rare find in the internet space. Also Picasa.

well my short answer to the question "Is it Windows 7 worth the money" is NO, It's not!


well my short answer to the question "Is it Windows 7 worth the money" is NO, It's not!

You can't say that is the case for everyone without taking into consideration at least a few of these outstanding benefits:

1. If you spend 50 hrs a week on Vista and upgrade to Win 7 you reclaim 6 weeks of your life (in one year) that you would have spend sitting and twiddling your thumbs and waiting on Vista to perform tasks before giving the computer back to you. You could get a lot done in 6 weeks.

2. The average home computer uses a little over $400 worth of electricity per year. The power consumption of Windows 7 is at least 17% less than Vista Upgrading from Vista would save you $70 per year PER COMPUTER. Not much but if you paid the electric bills for a large company with 7,000 computers, your profit would increase a HALF MILLION dollars per year if you upgraded to Windows 7.

3. If you have projects such as graphics editing and architectural designs, the features of the Intel I7 processors along with Windows 7 multi-core/multi-thread processing will perform tasks that take an HOUR in Vista, about 20 minutes in Windows 7. If you are paying someone $30 per hour, you are now paying them $10 per hour... saving potentially 66% of your labor costs.

It's all about efficiency.

As for as cost, it's easy to run Windows 7 for free for at least 4 months before you have to pay. Microsoft WANTS you to evaluate Windows 7 so they give you 30 days grace and 3 times they give you 30 day extensions with rearm. By that time the prices will have dropped. There are lots of oem keys being sold on eBay at a fraction of the cost of the retail... and apparently Microsoft doesn't care... or they would have contacted eBay and had them shut it down. A lot of students will be selling their $30 keys too. They can buy all they want from Digital Rivers... all they need is a valid credit card and a .edu email address. Very relaxed requirements.

Finally, Windows 7 is a very good operating system. I think the main thing people overlook is that Microsoft has to come out with a product that works on Computers that potentially have over a MILLION different combinations of hardware. They have taken on an enormous task. Most people can't even get their dog and cat to get along.

@ tblount

Very informative...I won't quote that one.I think it's well worth the £45 i paid.Don't know about £170 for the average user tho' for premium.

You can't say that is the case for everyone without taking into consideration at least a few of these outstanding benefits:
I certainly won't try to speak for anyone else.

As for as cost, it's easy to run Windows 7 for free for at least 4 months before you have to pay. Microsoft WANTS you to evaluate Windows 7 so they give you 30 days grace and 3 times they give you 30 day extensions with rearm. By that time the prices will have dropped. There are lots of oem keys being sold on eBay at a fraction of the cost of the retail... and apparently Microsoft doesn't care... or they would have contacted eBay and had them shut it down. A lot of students will be selling their $30 keys too. They can buy all they want from Digital Rivers... all they need is a valid credit card and a .edu email address. Very relaxed requirements.
Yes I have been taking advantage of this "Trial" period. And I will be looking in to alternatives I guess. Thanks for the tips!

Finally, Windows 7 is a very good operating system. I think the main thing people overlook is that Microsoft has to come out with a product that works on Computers that potentially have over a MILLION different combinations of hardware. They have taken on an enormous task. Most people can't even get their dog and cat to get along.
I totally agree with you!

If you have projects such as graphics editing and architectural designs, the features of the Intel I7 processors along with Windows 7 multi-core/multi-thread processing will perform tasks that take an HOUR in Vista, about 20 minutes in Windows 7. If you are paying someone $30 per hour, you are now paying them $10 per hour... saving potentially 66% of your labor costs.

Which is it, either you pay them $30/hr or $10/hr. You may be able to make your work force more productive, but their rate of pay will stay the same, that is unless you pay based on the amount of work done.

I remember back when I drove a truck for a living and I had a boss that was dumb as a box of rocks. He was presented with a situation where a load was due in 20 hours but it was 40 hours drive (Assuming no stops) from it's destination. his exact words where "Can we get another driver to team up with him?" As if adding another driver was going to make the truck move twice as fast.

Well back to the evolution of this topic. Windows 7 does nothing aside from Direct X that cant be done on Linux, and Linux has always proven to be more efficient, accurate and stable than any product Microsoft has released. Lets not forget the most important thing that Linux has going for it, price. Free is always the cheapest possible price. and with cutting costs priority number one with business, it seems Microsoft is at a huge disadvantage to Linux.

Lets not forget that the core of how Linux operates has remained unchanged since it's release in 1991. The basics of how Linux works has long been a standard that anyone with a solid IT background should understand. If I where to hire IT personnel, I would hire the one who knows *Nix and can take away the tremendous cost involved with maintaining a Microsoft based network. Constantly sending my staff to school because Microsoft decided to change everything and thus my personnel's MSCE certifications are now obsolete is also a huge expense.

Now that Microsoft is aware that it's customers are conscious of the existence of a free alternative, they are scared. This is why employees of Best Buy stores are feed propaganda created buy the Microsoft empire to show everyone how bad Linux is. Well if it's so bad why is it that Windows is on it's seventh version Mac OS is on it's tenth and Linux is only on it's second major revision. I'm not talking about each distributions revisions that amount only to look and feel, but the core kernel of the OS.

Microsoft is a predatory business. and the thing the prey on is ignorance. From their employees through the retailers who are powerless to even think about offering an alternative to their customers, to third party hardware manufacturers. The time it takes for Microsoft to yank a vendors Compatibility logo from their product upon the adoption of support for any OS other than Windows can be clocked in milliseconds. And then we have the uber ignorant American consumer who for the most part accept that their is no alternative because the OEM's get to license windows on their computer products for next to nothing so long as they exclusively sell their machines with only Windows. If the buyer of a PC had to pay the full licensing cost for it's windows OS, they surely wouldn't find any $499 budget machines available now would they?

Which is it, either you pay them $30/hr or $10/hr. You may be able to make your work force more productive, but their rate of pay will stay the same, that is unless you pay based on the amount of work done.

Workers are always paid for the amount of work they get done. ...well except the ones at work who are reading this now and goofing off. Shame on you... get back to work... or at least LOOK busy.

I remember back when I drove a truck for a living

If you were a driver you already know that 99.9 % of all drives don't make ANY money unless the wheels go round.

and I had a boss that was dumb as a box of rocks. He was presented with a situation where a load was due in 20 hours but it was 40 hours drive (Assuming no stops) from it's destination. his exact words where "Can we get another driver to team up with him?" As if adding another driver was going to make the truck move twice as fast.[/guote]

It will.

I just drove for a year for FedEx Custom Critical and I KNOW you can't driver more than 11 hours without taking at least an 10 hour break.... so YES ... definitely 2 drivers can get a 20 hour load delivered 9 hours faster. Then the truck is available to take another load. DOT monitors this CLOSELY.. heavy fines and suspensions... just can't do it anymore like the old days.

Well back to the evolution of this topic. Windows 7 does nothing aside from Direct X that cant be done on Linux,

I hate to sound like a Microsoft "FanBoy" but there are at least a million applications that run on Windows that will NOT run on any other operating system.

, it seems Microsoft is at a huge disadvantage to Linux.

90% of all computers are sold with Windows... it would "appear" that it's Linux and Mac that have the HUGE disadvantage.

If I where to hire IT personnel, I would hire the one who knows *Nix and can take away the tremendous cost involved with maintaining a Microsoft based network.

BUT you would be paying them to sit around and waste time waiting on tasks that Windows 7 will have finished in a fraction of the time. I don't see how that is efficient.

Now that Microsoft is aware that it's customers are concourse of the existence of a free alternative, they are scared.

No disrespect intended.. but I'm actually laughing out loud. There are only 3 things that even come close to "scaring" Microsoft:

1. Piracy.. since they are in the piracy market themselves they are conserned about other pirates hacking their products and not paying to use them.

2. No one left to exploit. With the release of Security Essentials, the last standing market (AV) has been crushed/assimilated. Where are they going to find new ideas and new products to incorporate into Windows? It's like the pac man game.. once all the power pellets are gobbled up, the game is over... where do you go from there?

3. Anti-trust regulations. Most of us noticed that Microsoft REMOVED outlook express and required you to download Windows Live Email separately. Why do you think they "decided" to do this? The trend since Windows 3.0 came out back in the 80's is to INCLUDE everything possible... now they moved a key feature OUT of the OS? Do the math!

This is why employees of Best Buy stores are feed propaganda created buy the Microsoft empire

Well duhhhhhh! All sales are hype. The goal of selling is to hype the product that brings in the most profit.

Microsoft is a predatory business

All businesses are predatory. That's the essence of competition.

That's why women wear makeup and men pump iron.

That's why John D. Rockefeller said "Competition is Evil"

That's why Insurance companies got regulations established that prohibit consumers from buying across state lines.

That's why all governments that start out without dictators.. just grow and grow and grow. They are on course to knock out all competition until they have absolute control of every dollar the citizens earn and spend. Eventually they ALL collapse and the process starts over again.

Shall I go on?


wow first I only suspected you where an idiot, now you removed any shred of doubt. Lets do some math. A driver must cover a distance that at the maximum speed of his vehicle moving nonstop will take him 40 hours, The driver's deadline is 20 hours. How many drivers would be needed for the driver to complete is delivery on time?

The answer is, NONE, you idiot! You cant make the truck go faster just because you add another driver. You can ensure that the truck doesn't stop moving as a result of rest/meal/food stops, but that doesn't change the fact that at it's maximum speed it's gonna take 40 hours to get there.

Please for god sake tell me you work for Microsoft so I can forgive you for being a complete retard. With your level of ignorance, You would go far in the corporate world, you see these days ineptitude is rewarded by promotion. You run into this a lot in the military. I learned during my time in the army that when faced with an individual who's incompetence causes grief and suffering, it was much easier to get that person promoted than it was to get them fired. It is my belief that you are such a person and I think you deserve a promotion.

I hate to sound like a Microsoft "FanBoy" but there are at least a million applications that run on Windows that will NOT run on any other operating system.

Ouside of video games, Please find an application that either has no Linux equivilent or doesn't run with WINE.

, it seems Microsoft is at a huge disadvantage to Linux.
90% of all computers are sold with Windows... it would "appear" that it's Linux and Mac that have the HUGE disadvantage.

I see you have been taking lessons in journalism from Fox news. if you're going to quote me, quite the entire statement so everyone can see how ridiculous your retort is.

BTW, have you examined why so many PC's are sold with windows? Could it be that exclusive deals where made that prohibit OEMs from offering an alternative. Even if the alternative is a free one.

BUT you would be paying them to sit around and waste time waiting on tasks that Windows 7 will have finished in a fraction of the time. I don't see how that is efficient.

No, I wouldn't. I would be paying them to manage a Linux network, thus I wouldn't have any issues with down time and inefficient productivity as my system wouldn't suffer of a pathetically inefficient OS. And if my IT staff is sitting around doing nothing as a result of me using Linux, I would be pleased as punch. At least then I would know I have a quality OS running my network.

All businesses are predatory.
Only bad businesses are predatory. A successful business shouldn't ignore the issues with their current product just because fixing it generates less revenue than coming up with a whole new product that they can market as it's replacement. Remeber all those Mojave commercials meant to show you that Vista really isn't as bad as they say? Well my firend, you can roll a turd in glitter all you want, it's still a turd.

I remember a movie about two plastic surgeons who made million selling silicone breast implants. Then when the sh!t hit the fan they where able to make millions more selling a procedure where they could remove the dangerous silicone implants and replace them with saline. The funny part was, the saline implants where available as a safer and cheeper option from the beginning but back room deals where made with plastic surgeons and Dow Corning that gave large bonuses to the plastic surgeons who adopted the silicone implants. Because of all of this, No one was aware until after the silicone implants began to show serious medical side effects that a safer product was available.

They say buyer be ware, but just as these plastic surgeons didn't tell their patients that a safer alternative implant was available, you wont see PC retailers telling their customers that a cheaper, more reliable alternative OS exists either. The only difference, is your OS isn't going to leak and cause your t!ts to rot off. Microsoft is to Operating systems what Dow Corning was to breast implants.


wow first I only suspected you where an idiot, now you removed any shred of doubt.

Suppose I am an idot.... how does calling me one make your case any better?
It's like you think you can break your neighbor's windows and it will make your house LOOK better.

Just state your opinion and let the readers decide who is the wiser.

Lets do some math. A driver must cover a distance that at the maximum speed of his vehicle moving nonstop will take him 40 hours, The driver's deadline is 20 hours. How many drivers would be needed for the driver to complete is delivery on time? The answer is, NONE, you idiot! You cant make the truck go faster just because you add another driver.

"None" drivers will NEVER NEVER NEVER get the load deliverd. One driver will eventually get it there. Two drivers will KEEP THE TRUCK MOVING because a truck goes MUCH FASTER when it has a driver than when parked waiting on one driver who is SLEEPING.

Why do you think a SOLO driver cannot get a load that requires over 11 hours driving time in the expedite business? Answer: because one driver MUST take the mandatory break and PARK the truck at 11 hours... so he doesn't fall asleep and kill your family on the highway.

Two drivers can keep the wheels rolling ALL THE TIME... never stopping. That's why companies put TWO drivers in their trucks. It maximizes the $200,000 investment they have made in the truck.

Please for god sake tell me you work for Microsoft so I can forgive you for being a complete retard.

Again, what's with all these personal attacks? I never called you retarded or stupid or a fool.

Can't you just intelligently state your opinion without resorting to personal attacks?

Where did you learn to behave like this?

I thought question was: "Is it Windows 7 worth the money?". Wow, this topic evolved into something I'd rather avoid, but I'll still comment just for fun and to break this negative vibe growing stronger. :) BE GONE YE WHO SPREAD NEGATIVES!!! lol

OnTopic: Oh God. If you thought Vista was a good investment you can't go wrong here. If you're XP fan you'll get over it with this baby. Short and sweet. :)

I thought question was: "Is it Windows 7 worth the money?". Wow, this topic evolved into something I'd rather avoid, but I'll still comment just for fun and to break this negative vibe growing stronger. :) BE GONE YE WHO SPREAD NEGATIVES!!! lol

OnTopic: Oh God. If you thought Vista was a good investment you can't go wrong here. If you're XP fan you'll get over it with this baby. Short and sweet. :)

Thanks... it was about to get bloody in here.. the guy pulled a knife on me.


In my world, it's immoral to let someone continue to think they are smart when clearly they are not. See I didn't grow up in your world where everyone gets first place, no one gets a failing grade and no child gets left behind. Bottom line, you opened your mouth, and proved to everyone you where an idiot and apparently after showing you the evidence and pointing out step by step where your logic is flawed, you still believe you are not.

and who got personal here? me or you? I made a point in reply to someone else with something a learned in my past, You where the one who attempted to dissect my statement and prove to everyone how 40x2=20. I'm not the kind of guy who will allow someone to make an ass of them self and do them the disservice of letting them live their life without telling them they're retarded.

That being said, after I got done tearing the beating heart out of your skewed logic, I did answer your post. Perhaps you should go back and read the post immediately following the one that points out just how retarded you are. There are plenty of online resources that will help you with the bigger words.

In my world, it's immoral to let someone continue to think they are smart when clearly they are not.
So you are doing your "moral" duty when you call me an idiot, retarded, etc.

Who appointed you to this position?

Why not make your agruments in a professional manner and let the readers decide ?

Bottom line, you opened your mouth, and proved to everyone you where an idiot and apparently after showing you the evidence and pointing out step by step where your logic is flawed, you still believe you are not.

And that upsets you and requires you to do your "moral" duty and label me as an idiot, stupid retard?

. I'm not the kind of guy who will allow someone to make an ass of them self and do them the disservice of letting them live their life without telling them they're retarded.

You believe that to be the treatment for retardism? Just tell em they are a retard and they are cured?

You have told me that you believe I'm retarded. Just tell us how that opinion supported your arguments?

Perhaps you should go back and read the post immediately following the one that points out just how retarded you are. There are plenty of online resources that will help you with the bigger words.

I don't need big works when little ACCURATE / CORRECT words work perfectly

Using vulgar ghetto, hillbilly, language only demonstrates the writer is lacking social graces. and feels mentally inferior because deep down they know their arguments are weak.

When you are confident that your arguments are strong, correct and rational you never feel the need to call others names, make personal attacks or label anyone as stupid, ignorant and retarded because you know the people who are following the discussion recognize and discern your brilliance. It's just that simple.

I would offer a response to your diatribe, however we would only go around in circles and it would only turn into "I know you are but what am I."

I don't truly believe that you are mentally handicapped, but you do suffer from a condition that many people in an online forum suffer of. You don't read what someone writes in it's entirety and allow what is being said to sink in before allowing your personal feelings to interrupt logical thought processes.

Feel free to reread what I've written and I welcome any well thought out debate on the topic at hand.

I you do suffer from a condition that many people in an online forum suffer of. .

Yes ... I know i suffer from the illness of respectful of others and don't call them fools and idiots and retards..

I'm glad I have this "condition."
