Windows 7 iTunes library access from dual-booted Vista


New Member
May 10, 2009
I'm at the moment dual-booting Windons Vista as a primary OS and Windows 7 RC 7100 as a secondary OS.

I'm facing problem with iTunes library. iTunes itself works fine, but cannot find a solution how I could use the same iTunes library with both OS's.

If I point iTunes to use the Vista's library (on Vista's system drive) it simply cannot find my songs, since there are differences with drive letters. I would like to change my 7's drive letters to match Vista's letters but Windows7 doesn't allow me to change system partition drive letter. If I force it to do it with Link Removed due to 404 Error, explorer.exe will just crash on startup.

I only found one painful solution: to make all new partition with my music and other itunes stuff in it and assign the same letter with both systems.

Is there any easier solution for Dual booting with iTunes? Shame that iTunes uses the drive letters to regognize partitions.

But if there's no solutions, it's OK , since I can use other programs to play media and sync my iPod from Vista.

Managing a single iTunes library between different operating systems in a dual-boot setup can be quite tricky, especially when drive letters are involved. Here are some alternative solutions to consider for dual-booting with iTunes:

Solutions for Using the Same iTunes Library with Both OS's:​

  1. Symbolic Links:
    • You can create symbolic links in Windows 7 to point to the iTunes library on the Windows Vista partition. This would help iTunes access the library seamlessly, regardless of the differences in drive letters.
    • To create a symbolic link, you can use the mklink command in Windows Command Prompt.
       mklink /d "C:\Path\To\iTunes\Library" "D:\Path\To\Vista\iTunes\Library"
Managing a single iTunes library between different operating systems in a dual-boot setup can be quite tricky, especially when drive letters are involved. Here are some alternative solutions to consider for dual-booting with iTunes:

Solutions for Using the Same iTunes Library with Both OS's:​

  1. Symbolic Links:
    • You can create symbolic links in Windows 7 to point to the iTunes library on the Windows Vista partition. This would help iTunes access the library seamlessly, regardless of the differences in drive letters.
    • To create a symbolic link, you can use the mklink command in Windows Command Prompt.
       mklink /d "C:\Path\To\iTunes\Library" "D:\Path\To\Vista\iTunes\Library"
    []Network Sharing:
    • Set up network sharing on Windows Vista for the iTunes library folder. Windows 7 can then access this shared folder over the network, allowing both OS's to use the same library.
    ]External Storage:
    • Store the iTunes library on an external hard drive or a separate partition that both Windows Vista and Windows 7 can access. This way, the library remains consistent across both OS's.

      Steps to Implement Symbolic Links:​

    []Boot into Windows 7:
    • Boot into Windows 7 and open Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
    ]Create a Symbolic Link:
    • Use the mklink command to create a symbolic link from the Windows 7 iTunes library location to the Windows Vista iTunes library location. Ensure that the Vista partition is mounted.
  2. Test iTunes Access:
    • Launch iTunes in Windows 7 and check if it can access the library without any issues.

      Additional Notes:​

      • Always ensure you have a backup of your iTunes library before making any changes.
      • Remember to update the library location within the iTunes preferences in Windows 7 to reflect the new symbolic link path.
      By using symbolic links or network sharing, you can effectively share the iTunes library across both Windows Vista and Windows 7 without the need for duplicate libraries or manual syncing.
