Windows 8 Lag when dragging files on Lenovo G50 laptop


New Member
May 5, 2015

I'm experiencing a disturbing problem with my new Lenovo G50-70 laptop, running Win8 64-bit.
When dragging a file, it takes about 1-2 seconds until the file actually starts "moving".
I tried to research this online to no avail.

Does anyone know what could be causing this?
It does not happen on my PC running the exact same OS.


Okay I'm not sure exactly what did it, but it's fixed now :)

What I did was:
- Run CCleaner scan
- Run Malware Bytes scan
- Restart my laptop after about a week of only hibernating.

I suspect the latter alone might have done the trick - it's a shame I didn't think about it before! I mean, for god's sake, the catchphrase of the TV show "IT Crowd" is "Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?" lol :D

Thank you so much for your help kemical!

Take care.
Hi Liran and welcome to the forum,
exactly how new is the laptop? If you literally have just got it then I wouldn't worry so much. It will take a couple of days for the os to utilize stuff like prefetch and the RAM cache. Windows will adjust itself to how you use it and what apps you like to use the most.
If you can post a little more detail on say the actual make and model as well as how long you've been using it that would be a great help.

Hi kemical,

Thank you for the warm welcome and your reply.

I never knew that the prefetch and RAM cache could pose an issue in the first few days. However I bought this laptop about a month ago, so I doubt this is the cause. Also, this issue is not specific to any app - it's a Windows issue. It only concerns the action of dragging a file.

Regarding the make and model of my laptop, I wrote in my original post that it's a Lenovo G50-70. Do you need any more details about it? It's got an Intel Core i3 CPU and 8GB of RAM.

Hi Liran,
it's not that prefetch and RAM cache pose an issue it's just that Windows gets better the more you use it as it knows what apps to place in the RAM ready for when you want them same with stuff like prefetch too. The more windows gets to know 'you' the better it works. A month is quite long enough however...... Tell me do you use any cleaners at all? Download and run Ccleaner and see if it helps any:
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Check you haven't got any malware running by downloading and running this app (both are free)

This other thing to check is what's running alongside or in the back ground. You may have applications running which are slowing the machine down. Try checking Task Manager by right clicking on the Task bar and clicking Task manager.

Lastly see if Windows has any corruption by running the system file checker. Find command prompt, right click on it, choose properties and then run as admin. Type:
sfc /scannow
Press enter and await results.

Okay I'm not sure exactly what did it, but it's fixed now :)

What I did was:
- Run CCleaner scan
- Run Malware Bytes scan
- Restart my laptop after about a week of only hibernating.

I suspect the latter alone might have done the trick - it's a shame I didn't think about it before! I mean, for god's sake, the catchphrase of the TV show "IT Crowd" is "Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?" lol :D

Thank you so much for your help kemical!

Take care.

Glad to hear all is back to normal Liran. Best of luck and of course post back if the need should arise... :)
