Windows 7 [langtitle=da]Arbejdsgruppe - alle computer synlige.[/langtitle]


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
[lang=da]Windows 7

Jeg har en router fra TDC, som min stationær PC er direkte koblet til med kabel. Der ud over har jeg 4 bærbar i huset, som alle køre via Wi-Fi, og som henter forbindelse fra 2 Net-Gear Extender (NetGear WNR612). Alle computerne er tilmeldt den samme arbejdsgruppe, men mit problem er at jeg ikke kan se alle med undtagelse at de henter forbindelse fra den samme Extender. Jeg kan på den stationære, ikke se nogle af de maskiner der kører WiFi, med mindre jeg kobler dem til routeren med kabel, og ligeledes skal de hente forbindelse fra den samme Extender, for at være synlige.

Findes der en løsning, der gør det muligt at alle maskiner uanset om de køre via kabel eller Extender 1 eller 2, kan se på alle maskiner ?[/lang]
Hello and welcome to the forums.
It's likely that because of multiple network appliances on the network you have different machines receiving their IP addressing schema from different sources and as a result probably some machines are on different subnets (IP collision domains). You will likely have to disable DHCP on the NetGear WNR612(s) and allow your TDC router to be the only device supplying DHCP information on the Network. Check the documentation that came with the devices so you can better understand how they provision DHCP information. Also if you are cascading the devices with a wire, avoid using the WAN port on the devices as this will likely result in double natting and can cause additional problems. Use one of the switch ports instead.
In short make sure that all LAN side of all devices are on the same subnet avoid allowing multiple DHCP servers to exist on the same subnet and use ipconfig /all from a command prompt to determine the various IP addresses used by the machines on your network and make sure that you can ping all from the others. NetBIOS information will not be propagated by your router unless otherwise provisioned.
Keep us posted
I have in both of my NetGear WNR612, disable DHCP, and I've also tried not using the WAN port, but so does Extender no more.

How can I pin the Extender, sow I can see is there connection ?

Do you have other suggestions?
You need to determine what the ip address schema is for the inside of your local area network.
Presumably this will come from your Router (TDC) that you say your desktop is connected to with a cable connection. Usually this device can be interfaced with through a Web Browser by entering the IP address of your default gateway of your desktop machine into the address bar of the browser.
So open a command prompt and type
ipconfig /all
examine the information relative to the network adapter that you are using to connect with. It should be a private reserved address usually in the class "C" range, like 192.168.1.nnn although every router is or can be slightly different.
You should see
IPv4 address (this value must be unique on all nodes on your network)
Subnet Mask (this value must be the same on all nodes on your network)
Default Gateway (this value must be the same on all nodes on your network if you are accessing anything outside your LAN)
DNS Servers (thhis value should be the same on all nodes on your network and likely the same as your default gateway address although it can be different and still work as long as there's a DNS resolver or forwarder at that address)
According to the NetGear documentation here you should be able to interface with those devices in much the same manner you may need to reset them to factory defaults and then use in the address bar of your browser.
You'll probably want to physically plug them in one at a time to your desktop until you get the internal lan side settings of each configured to work on the same collision domain as your other router.
Good luck and keep us posted
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