Windows email and calendar is easy to use but the calendars have to be the same and that can be hard to do.. It is easy to mix them up by just naming them.

The only way I found he calendars to sync on all devices is to put a date on a calendar and see if it appears on another device's calendar. By that process I could determine which calendar on a certain device corresponds to the calendar on the other device. In one instance one calendar it had my name but it was the wrong calendar which should have been Live. Once I chose that Live one as thee primary the date I put on one device worked on another calendar. By putting entries then checking on device I was able to find corresponding calendars.
When the names of each device are proven...
Alright, I am not sure whether I understand you, sorry!
I think that if you
- click on the calendar icon on the Windows toolbar, the bar on the bottom of the Windows background screen,
you get a different result from
-clicking in the the calandar icon that shows up after clicking on the windows icon on the toolbar
Am I wrong?

Sorry if I was unable to make myself understood correctly. I attach a screenshot of my entire screen where you can see the app open in a day with 3 events (2 created by me and 1 in which I am as a guest). However, when I open the calendar from the windows toolbar and select the same day, it only shows me the 2 events created by me.

Translated of:

Disculpen si no pude darme a entender correctamente. Adjunto una captura de toda mi pantalla en donde se puede ver la app abierta en un dia con 3 eventos (2 creados por mi y 1 en el que estoy como invitado). Sin embargo, al abrir el calendario de la barra de herramientas de windows y seleccionar el mismo día, solamente me muestras los 2 eventos creados por mi.


You are using 2 different calendar apps, look on the taskbar, the 5th from the left side and the last one. Let's go back to only.
Now we have to be carefull.
Assuming that the taskbar app, the 5th, is the one with the less appointments, try removing it from the taskbar, right click it and select the Unpin from Taskbar option. Once removed, you can pin the other one to the taskbar by right clicking its icon and selecting Pin to Taskbar option.
If that is what you want, you may try to remove one calender app from your computer. Go to All Settings, Apps, select that Calendar app and remove it from there.

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Is that when I was able to log in to the calendar app, its events automatically appeared in the calendar on the windows toolbar, which is the one that comes by default. I don't have 2 different calendar apps, I only use the tools that are already installed with windows

Hoover with the mouse over the 5th and last icon on the taskbar on the picture above. Both say 'calendario.png' but are different icons. I think this means that there are 2 calendar apps, one synchronized one behind with synchronisation. The mail app and the Calendar app?

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Were you able to fix the email issue? I have a brand new laptop and I'm having the same problem. I have several email accounts and I can't add any of them.

To remove mail if trouble:

Power shell as admin

AppxPackage Microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps | Remove-AppxPackage

Then get mail from store to reinstall

Please let us know how you do? Por favor decirnos como used hacerlo.

Consider using an imaging app like Macrium Reflect free to image to an external hard drive[$50] in an event like this so you can recover to when all worked well. The cost is minimal and it is ez-use a video.

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Hoover with the mouse over the 5th and last icon on the taskbar on the picture above. Both say 'calendario.png' but are different icons. I think this means that there are 2 calendar apps, one synchronized one behind with synchronisation. The mail app and the Calendar app?
Hola, disculpas por la demora en responder. Me parece que no nos estamos entendiendo totalmente. La unica aplicacion que puedo instalar y desinstalar es Correo y Calendario (18° y última aplicacion en la barra de tareas, contando de izquierda a derecha, empezando desde el icono de Windows). La llamaré "aplicacion de calendario" de ahora en más. La fecha y hora que aparece al lado del icono de notificaciones (2° contando de derecha a izquierda), llamada solamente "calendario" de ahora en mas, es lo que viene por defecto con el sistema operativo y no se si se puede desanclar y cambiar por otra aplicacion. En principio esto no es posible, pero desconozco si hay alguna forma mas compleja de realizar esto.

El tema es que al iniciar sesión con mi cuenta en la "aplicacion de calendario", los eventos han aparecido asi sin mas en el "calendario", pero no todas, sino que solamente las que fueron creadas por mi. Me gustaría que aparezcan todas, las creadas por mi y las que estoy como invitado, porque asi como está no tiene mucho sentido.

Google Translate:
Hello, sorry for the delay in responding. It seems to me that we are not fully understanding each other. The only application that I can install and uninstall is Mail and Calendar (18th and last application on the taskbar, counting from left to right, starting from the Windows icon). I'll call it "calendar app" from now on. The date and time that appears next to the notifications icon (2nd counting from right to left), called only "calendar" from now on, is what comes by default with the operating system and I don't know if it can be unpinned and change for another application. In principle this is not possible, but I do not know if there is a more complex way to do this.

The issue is that when I log in with my account in the "calendar app", the events have just appeared in the "calendar", but not all, but only those that were created by me. I would like all of them to appear, those created by me and those that I am as a guest, because as it is it does not make much sense.

I think Bochane was on the right path when he mentioned you might not be using the same calendar settings on all devices.
Click calendars on all devices and be sure they are the same then synch. I use the Windows Mail app and had issues with synching with my iPhone calendar till I got the calendars +settings right. In case I am confusing you I will bow out after this.

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I think Bochane was on the right path when he mentioned you might not be using the same calendar settings on all devices.
Click calendars on all devices and be sure they are the same then synch. I use the Windows Mail app and had issues with synching with my iPhone calendar till I got the calendars +settings right. In case I am confusing you I will bow out after this.
Hi Peterr, thanks for answering. There is only one device, my laptop

I said I would bow out but I just have to say whether one or more devices it is the calendars that need to be the same. Be sure you are using the correct settings for the appropriate calendar. Good luck.

Muchas gracias nuevamente por sus respuestas! Realmente no veo que sea un problema de configuración, mas bien un error del sistema operativo o de la app. Se podría decir que soy un usuario avanzado, estoy utilizando una sola cuenta para sincronizar 2 dispositivos. Mi smartphone y mi notebook. La sincronización funciona bien, ya que aparecen todos los eventos en ambos dispositivos. El problema es que en la notebook, puedo ver los eventos el 2 lugares diferentes. La vista normal y completa utilizando la aplicación de calendario (en donde todo funciona perfectamente) y una "vista rápida" que sería el calendario de Windows. En esta ultima es en donde falla, debido a solamente veo algunos eventos y realmente he buscando y recorrido todas las opciones del sistema operativo. Me he contactado con el soporte técnico de Windows y han accedido de manera remota en mi computadora, buscaron en los mismos lugares que yo, hicieron todo lo que estuvo a su alcance y no lograron solucionar esto que realmente es un problema, a quien le sirve ver una agenda por la mitad? He desinstalado la aplicación y la he vuelto a instalar, la he restaurado, he probado con otros usuarios, lo único que no probé (y no lo haré) es reinstalar el sistema operativo. Ahora que lo pienso, alguno de ustedes ha intentado replicar esta situación? así podremos saber si solo me sucede a mi o si es en general? Si alguno está dispuesto a probarlo, que no dude en avisarme y lo charlamos en privado

Google Translate
Thank you very much again for your responses! I don't really see that it is a configuration problem, rather an operating system or app error. You could say that I am an advanced user, I am using a single account to sync 2 devices. My smartphone and my notebook. Syncing works fine as all events appear on both devices. The problem is that in the notebook, I can see the events in 2 different places. The normal and complete view using the calendar app (where everything works perfectly) and a "quick view" that would be the windows calendar. In the latter is where it fails, due to I only see some events and I have really searched for and toured all the operating system options. I have contacted windows technical support and they have remotely accessed my computer, they looked in the same places as me, they did everything in their power and they could not solve this, which is really a problem, who is it useful for see an agenda in half? I have uninstalled the application and I have reinstalled it, I have restored it, I have tried with other users, the only thing I did not try (and I will not) is to reinstall the operating system. Now that I think about it, have any of you tried to replicate this situation? so we can know if it only happens to me or if it is in general? If anyone is willing to try it, do not hesitate to let me know and we will talk in private

Rereading this threath I wondered that when setting up email and calendar apps, did you enter only your name or did your enter your full email account details?
And how about forgetting the MS mail and calendar apps and switching to some other app?

Solo con la cuenta del correo y la contraseña que inicia sesión, luego no hay falta configurar mas. Él pensó en utilizar otras aplicaciones, pero no se puede tendré la ventaja de ver los eventos en el calendario de ventanas.

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Only with the email account and password I have logged in, then it was not necessary to configure more. I have thought about using other applications, but I don't know if I will have the advantage of seeing the events in the windows calendar.

Outlook combines email and agenda, I think there are more apps which combine email and agenda
