Windows 7 Mirror's Edge not working on x64


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
mine wont even install....

even in compatibility with vista...

4870 512mb
4gbs ram

win7 B7000 x64

i had no trouble at all in regular mode. on windows 7 32 bit tho.

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Mine installed no probs on win7 64bit, didn't try anything different, installed it as i would any other game.

mine wont even install....

even in compatibility with vista...

4870 512mb
4gbs ram

win7 B7000 x64
i will attempt to install this game as soon as i can get a copy and i will let u know what happens. i'm also running win7 x64

Mine installed without any problems. Hmm...unless...yes, of course. Do this:

1.Click the Start button Link Removed - Invalid URL, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.
2.Right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Link Removed - Invalid URL In the User Account Control window, verify that Program name is Windows Command Processor, and then click Yes.
3.In the Administrator: Command Prompt window, type or paste the following text at the prompt: reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledSessions /va /f

4.Press Enter to install the solution.
5.If The operation completed successfully displays, close the Administrator: Command Prompt window to complete this procedure.

That's the solution for the installer. It should install now.;)

Mine installed without any problems. Hmm...unless...yes, of course. Do this:

1.Click the Start button Link Removed - Invalid URL, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.
2.Right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Link Removed - Invalid URL In the User Account Control window, verify that Program name is Windows Command Processor, and then click Yes.
3.In the Administrator: Command Prompt window, type or paste the following text at the prompt: reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledSessions /va /f

4.Press Enter to install the solution.
5.If The operation completed successfully displays, close the Administrator: Command Prompt window to complete this procedure.

That's the solution for the installer. It should install now.;)

what exactly does deleting that registry entry do? just curious. i'm not too familiar with comps but i just want to have an idea of what i'm doing before i attempt it. thanks.

ok got it to work in compatability mode xp sp2, installed everything normally, just changed the mirrorsedge exe file to compatability xp sp2 and it runs fine now.

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This is that game with the thin red-headed Asian girl, right? Tell me, is it possible to have sex with her in this game? It seems that it is a first person mode and you would be the girl - so having sex with it would be like masturbating instead of having sex with it.

Edit: I just realized this is the demo version and there is probably little chance that they would let you have sex with it. Afterall, if they let you have sex with it right away what would be the point in spending part of your gov't check on the game. Silly me. Still, I would like someday to have sex with it.

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Same Issue

So, I have been having the same issue, I'm using the x64 version of 7 with:
Core 2 Quad Q8200
XFX nForce 680i LT mobo
4 GB Corsair XMS RAM
(edit: EVGA GeForce 8600GT graphics card. Dual Monitor Setup)
Mirror's Edge will not install properly, nor will other games, including Lost Planet Colonies, and Farcry 2. I tried installing it right after installing Windows 7, I tried doing so after I installed the Vista x64 drivers for the chipset, audio etc. and I have also noticed that it has been having a hard time with compressed files of all types, including multipart .rar, and .cab files. I tried removing the reg key as in the instructions, but the cmd window would not allow it, so I went into regedit and removed it manually... I have also tried installing the files after turning off UAC, after switching the setup.exe file to XP compat mode, with administration rights, and in various combinations.

I'm about out of options, and I would greatly appreciate any help. thanks in advance.

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Ran fine here.

I installed and played Mirror's Edge on Windows 7 64-bit using ATi drivers v9.1.
I did not encounter any problems whatsoever. Played the entire game through.

Solution Mirrors Edge Windows 7

For this to work go to the Mirrors Edge C:\Users\Nate\Documents\EA Games\Mirror's Edge\TdGame and open TdEngine or search TdEngine in Windows 7.

Find ResX= and ResY=

Set these to your monitors native resolution for example mine had to be set to ResX=1920

That's it! Now it works perfect of course I installed the Patch 1.01, crack 1.01 from gamecopyworld and the latest Nividia PhysX drivers.

P.S. No need to run in Compatability mode

Cant move?!

Installed on win 7 64 bit and first time i played i could walk normally and play the game fine, then after a while the movement keys stopped working. I checked out the control setting panel and all the keys were blanked out, and they stay that way even when i try to restore to defaults. That is the go to defaults, i exit settings, enter settings and back to blank?! what could this be?

[langtitle=sr]Re: Mirror's Edge not working on x64[/langtitle]

[lang=sr]koristio sam prijedlog od NateBritish ali kada razbijem staklo ili se razbije staklo u mojoj okolini(kada ga specijalci razbiju)igra mi se toliko uspori da izgleda kao da se teleportiram deset metara a napravim samo jedan korak

Re: Solution Mirrors Edge Windows 7

CAN ANYONE HELP ME!! i installed the game normally and found those resy and resx and changed them and it worket but when i play it and break a glass the game slowes down amd i have a felling that faith is teleported 10 steps after i only did 1 step
patch 1.01 included
HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
