
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
Title says it all.

I bought a new Audigy SE because I need to record a radio show that I appeared on and create a podcast. It is important for business, but there is no "Stereo Mix" "What U Hear" recording device listed.

I installed the Creative beta W7 Audigy drivers. Still nothing.

NOTE 1: Please do not respond with"Try Sound Recorder" "Use Audicity.. it's freeware audio software" or anything of that nature. These are applications. The device will not appear in any of them.
NOTE 2: I tried right-clicking, "show disabled devices" but it still does not appear.

Very frustrating.

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Did you download the driver directly from Creative's site, located here:
Link Removed - Invalid URL 2&subCatName=Audigy&CatName=Sound+Blaster

Did you download the driver directly from Creative's site, located here:
~ I did install the beta driver correctly, as provided on the Creative web site here:
Link Removed due to 404 Error

~ I called Creative about the problem. They told me that their W7-RC drivers are still in beta, and that the "What U Hear" "Stereo Mix" feature is only supported in Vista and XP at this time.

~ I have an Audigy SE, but I wouldn't be surprised if other cards have the same problem.

This one really made me grind my teeth. The archive recordings for this radio show are only available for a limited time. I ended up actually buying a new sound card for this purpose, and I've been waiting a week for it to arrive. If I couldn't get this done it really would have hurt. Thank God I had the foresight to set my machine up as a dual-boot.

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the Audigy SE is an older card.

I have an X-Fi Extreme and the Windows 7 driver worked perfectly for me. I got my 7.1 channel surround working so I could watch Blue-ray disks. before that, i only had stereo.

The RTM isn't that far off, so it might not be a long wait.

I have an X-Fi Extreme and the Windows 7 driver worked perfectly for me.
Good for you, but there's dozens of threads out there posted by people pulling their hair out over this one. Just Google for "stereo mix missing," "wave out missing," "what u hear missing" or something similar. Hopefully this post will resolve their issue, although probably not to their liking.

Have you tried VLC, or downloaded any codec packs?

Have you tried VLC, or downloaded any codec packs?
Not yet. I'll hack on it more later. I find this very annoying. I should not have to struggle for this functionality. A record button is not a complex technology.

Returned the card to Tiger Direct. Good vendor; they refunded me right away after I explained my frustration.

Can anyone recommend an inexpensive audio card that enables stereo mix/what u hear/wave-out mix recording for W7?

