
Senior Member
Feb 15, 2018
I have recently run superantispyware. I am unaware of any other changes I have made but all my screen settings have been lost, my screen size and icon size have gone back to default and appeared down the left of the page in alphabetical order.
I have reset most of these?
The one thing that I can't reset is the wallpaper, my screen is now black (I am using 2 screens and they are both black but both had the same wallpaper yesterday.)
If I press the right button and click personalize I get the wallpaper choice page,
It clearly shows my choice of wallpaper is the desktop background. If I reset it and restart the computer it still comes up with black screens.
Is there something else turned off that I need to change?

I don't know what I did but it has suddenly returned.
I have been trying for a few hours but the moment I ask for help it returns, typical.:confused:

I find a toothache problem is similar - have toothache for days but as I walk into the dentist's surgery it goes away as soon as I see the emtpty chair waiting for me!

Have you noticed it returns just as soon as you get on the bus to leave and then you find the next appointment is not for another two weeks.
I hope this analogy is not going to bleed over into my wallpaper problem.
