Windows 10 My windows keeps selecting stuff to the left


New Member
My windows keeps selecting things on the left, like my tab and left arrow key is stuck.
As soon as i try to click anything anywhere, my it just goes as long to the left as possible.
Same thing in game, if i try to change the volume or change my sensitivity it just drags down as far as possible to the left.
I used my computer yesterday and this didn't happen.
Anyone had this problem before?
I would try a different keyboard.
The thing is, that i have tried to unplug the keyboard and tried selecting things with my mouse, and the other way around (unplugging the mouse and tried selecting things with my keyboard).
Shouldn't that be enough? Or do i have to try another keyboard?

Here is a link of the problem on Microsoft Edge, not the best quality but you can see what i mean, i can get more videos on it happening in games when i try to change the volume or such.
I would remove the keyboard before power on and test there is an on screen keyboard you can use to enter your password. The other issue could be malware or some other program is programmatically sending key presses.