
New Member
Dec 23, 2013
So I have a strange problem.

First: My internet randomly disconnects itself. Once the disconnect happens I just have to wait a bit to click on the wireless error button thing. I click on troubleshoot and then then network adapter resets and then it is fixed. This typically happens a few times in an hour. Especially if I am watching videos or playing some random game.

Second: Facebook isn't working in Chrome, and only Chrome. It basically times out. I have run anti virus softwares, cleaned my registry and anything else I can think of. I have also run a speedtest.net to see if there is something blocking during facebook, but the speed test is returning a 30MB/s I have been searching forums for the last few hours and I can't find anything similar with an answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First thing I would try would be to reset the router. Turn it off for about 30 secs then turn it back on. Resetting the router often fixes seemingly unrelated issues. If that doesn't help, I would try a different wifi adapter. Maybe you have a friend with a USB adapter you could borrow, if not, they aren't very expensive.

Have you tried connecting to the router via Ethernet cable? Does it work OK then?
First thing I would try would be to reset the router. Turn it off for about 30 secs then turn it back on. Resetting the router often fixes seemingly unrelated issues. If that doesn't help, I would try a different wifi adapter. Maybe you have a friend with a USB adapter you could borrow, if not, they aren't very expensive.

Have you tried connecting to the router via Ethernet cable? Does it work OK then?
Thank you I have done both of those. In fact I am now running on a USB wifi. It sees to help a bit, but not with the Facebook Chrome issue.
You say that the internet disconnects but then go on to refer to a wireless error. Can you just clarify if the error in an internet connection problem which points to a problem between your router and the ISP or a wireless problem which would suggest a problem between your pc and the router.
I am fairly certain it is an issue between my PC and my wireless card, or something. Other people on the same network do fine. It has been working better sense I made this ost, but I am still having issues with facebook and chrome.