Yesterday at night and now at evening network froze - couldn't connect anything (cumpuer is turned on 24\7 without any sleep modes or anything power-saving), I could turn off connection in netowrking pane but couldn't turn it back on - little window "turning on connection" stayed forever, device manager couldn't u[date devices info either (froze and wasn't responding), no other actions helped, tried restarts both times, both times gave BSOD (and after restart all worked normally), both my networks (in motherboard and in separate network card) have latest drivers as my windows 7 pro checked.
Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller -
Адаптер D-Link DFE-520TX PCI Fast Ethernet -
attached 2 minidumps of BSOD DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE tcpip.sys