
New Member
Jun 16, 2009
Well its not new. I got it in Feb 06 but there is no disk. It has a recovery image on the HD but what happens if, no when my HD goes bad? I don't have a DVD burner, is there any way to get the OS on an external drive to reinstall or put on a burner later so I don't have to worry about a HD failure?

Your HD will probably last the lifetime of the system as it is actually quite rare for them to break down..

Realy? I have found that not true, this however is my first new HD so maybe I just use to get old crap. They don't last long after kicking the case on a blue screen lol:)

LOL.....no I guess not.
Have you tried Acronis? Depending on the the manufacturer they should really supply you with a disk.. Could you contact them and ask?

Acer told me how to create a DVD so I have a copy but I need a DVD burner to do that. HP was no help. They said the copy I have is an OEM copy and only good as long as it works, if I have a problem I need to buy a coppy.

Do you have a friend who could perhaps burn a copy off for you?

Acer told me how to create a DVD so I have a copy but I need a DVD burner to do that. HP was no help. They said the copy I have is an OEM copy and only good as long as it works, if I have a problem I need to buy a coppy.

That's so typical of all brand manufacturers:rolleyes:
