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Windows Vista No sound. At all., I have a ACPI\ATK0110. (screenshot)


New Member
Aug 27, 2007
Link Removed due to 404 Error

It says it can't find the driver necesary. So I guess my only question is: Where can I download the driver for this?

Thanks for the trouble.

EDIT: I went to the Realtek site and started download the AC'97 driver. I really don't know if I should use it, I only downloaded it because it seemed familiar. Will post update if it works. Standby...

EDIT2: Downloaded the AC'97 driver and STUPID VISTA doesn't stop asking me if I want to install it. Even after I click "yes I want to install anyway" it pops back up and doesn't leave me alone. HELP!

EDIT3: Ok, no sound at all. Still.

I have no idea what to do. I'm stuck.

Is it possible sound is disabled because I have a Evaluation Copy? I don't know what else could be the reason.

Screenie: Link Removed due to 404 Error

Help, ANYONE!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad: