
New Member
Dec 30, 2009
Hi everybody,

After doing upgrade from Vista basic to Windows 7 basic 32, I had very bad luck to connect to internet.

I tried numerous solutions I found on this forum:

- Reload previous Windows version --- doesn't work
- Uninstall Ethernet card / Reinstall new drivers (Realtek 8169) --- doesn't work
- In cmd box: Flush dns and netsh int...etc --- doesn't work
- Try another router: doesnt work a first one and still doesnt work now (I'm using Scientif Atlanta EPX2203, couln't find windows 7 drivers there: Link Removed due to 404 Error) --- doesn't work
- Disable the "Bonjour DNS" into service: ##Id_String2.6844F930_1628_4223_B5CC_5BB94B87 9762 ## --- doesn't work
- Break my computer, throw it through the windows --- doesn't work

My computer is a Pentium Dual CPU T2370 1.73
3Go Ram 32 bits

Can anyone save me there? I'm dying without internet, and can't even go back to my previous Vista version, as it was embebed into my laptop, and I had no CD:(


Hello and welcome to the forum. Please look here Link Removed you will notice that they have two updated drivers for your ethernet adapter one is a driver only and the other is what they are calling a auto-install. Try the latest driver and see if your problem persists.
First, go outside, pickup your computer dust it off, and bring it back hook it up and tell us exactly how you're doing it, are you connecting with a cat5 ethernet cable directly to you service providers equipment, of through a third party router. In either case do an ipconfig /all and post it here...see attachment. Go here and make sure the NIC driver you're using is the one of these marked Win7 Driver 7.011 dated 2009/12/22 or Win7 32/64 Auto Installation Program (SID:1381516) 7.011 2009/12/22 Link Removed - Invalid URL

I have recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 with a HP laptop upgrade, and in a couple of days I was already having trouble using both Internet Explorer and Firefox to connect to the internet through my cable provider, either with USB and Ethernet connections. I do not have a router and therefore I connect directly to the Scientific Atlanta Webstar 2000 modem, which I have reset more times than I would like to remember, and for which I am unable to download an updated driver for Windows 7 or Vista (for the USB connection) as they were acquired by Cisco. Anyway, the ethernet connection to the internet should be working (no driver required, right?).

The cable service provider is able to check that I have connection to the internet, but for some reason the IE and Firefox cannot find it.

I am sending you the results of the "ipconfig /all" for either the USB and ethernet connections, and really hoping that you can help me identify the issue and suggest some configuration which will work.

Many thanks.


Hello and welcome to the forum. Please look here Link Removed you will notice that they have two updated drivers for your ethernet adapter one is a driver only and the other is what they are calling a auto-install. Try the latest driver and see if your problem persists.

I did the Realtek driver update install but still no joy.

Please check the screenshots below.


ipconfig_all_100120.webpIE error message 100120.webp

Checked your screen shots and everything looks fine. Can you ping and can you ping ??? If you open a browser window and type into the address bar, does anything happen? I'm not sure, with you using a public IP address on your computer if I would even feel comfortable suggesting that you take a look at your firewall settings, but it may be a place to start both Win7's builtin firewall and any third party firewall that might be blocking http or port 80. Also take a look at IE8 internet options, under the connections tab and make sure under "LAN Settings" that IE isn't looking for a non-existent proxy server. Also do you have the option to try your laptop at another location, just to see if perhaps the problem is your ISP provided device?

Thank you for taking the time.

I did as you suggested and was able ping all the addresses I tested.

I was then fortunate to get the IE8 and Firefox to work with the ethernet connection, but not before I ping the Default Gateway.

Do you have any idea what may be originally blocking the way?

I suspect I have some appropriate registry fix/clean to do, if you are so kind as to guide me.

Many thanks.

Thanks for the note.

However, I do not consider it completely solved as, as I have said before, I now have to ping the Default Gateway when I start the Laptop so to get the browsers to work, which is not nice, and an issue for my wife.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.

OK, I can understand your concern. We can always create a batch file with the ping command and put it in your startup directory as a work around later, but it sounds to me like you may have some sort of software that may be supporting the connection that is not working properly at startup or some other software that may be firing at startup that is inhibiting the connection. So...can you snip a shot of your startup items and let us take a look. You can also trying booting into safemode with networking and see if the connection works without problem. And if that works then you need to do this How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7 to try and determine the culprit

As I suspected pinging is not a stable solution, and today though in normal mode it was able to ping the default gateway, and Google at times, IE8 and Firefox refused to work.

Worse, in safe mode with networking always pinged the default gateway, but never Google or Yahoo!.

Please check the respective screenshots.

Any suggestions?


It doesn't make a lot of sense, it works then it doesn't work. I would suggest that you take the matter up with your internet service provider. I wouldn't suspect your equipment. I would however, uninstall spybot search and destroy, and then reinstall it, this time without teatimer and perhaps just for testing purposes, uninstall avira and replace it with Microsoft Security Essentials just as a try anything kinda approach. But if as you said, it is worse in safe mode with networking then that's probably not going to do much good since very little of your startup items are going to be running. Try running a trace route when you are having this problem, just type tracert and examine the results and see how far you are getting along the route before it fails with consistent timeouts (read this to help understand the results Using Traceroute ). Does your ISP have a replacement modem?

Today I had more luck and was able to connect but not before I pinged three times.

I did the tracert anyway three times. Please check the screenshots below, and let me know of anything unusual and/or next steps.

Avira very slow to update...

Do I have to wait until I am not able to connect at all like yesterday to run the tracert to some benefit?


This still looks like an Internet service provider issue. Does this happen reliably at certain times of day (what they might call peak hours) or is it random off and on all day. If you are paying them for a broadband connection then you should ask them to help with the resolution to the problem. Do you have any other computers on your network, or can you swap out another computer and see if it behaves similarly over a couple day period. Just to make sure that it's not a computer problem. I suspect that it's either your router or your providers line.

I never had this problem while I was still using Vista. My cable provider is able to identify from there that I am connected and says that it is a laptop configuration issue that I have to sort out on my own and that they don't give further support. I do not have a router but connect directly to the modem. I use also an old Compac laptop at times with XP connected via USB cable with no problems. The modem is at least 5 years old on my hands, and may not be able to support Windows 7 as it did the other OSs before. The cable provider says there is no connection issue on their end and therefore refuse to provide a replacement modem.

I hope to be able to get back to them with stronger evidence to be able to change their minds.

Many thanks.
