Windows 10 Option to Leave Preview Program-all computers or just the one?


Excellent Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
Oct 16, 2009
In 10147, and probably the next official build, there is an option to stop the Preview Builds. This seems to direct you to a website to do this, but since I am not ready to leave, does anyone know if this option will stop the Preview builds for all the computers currently enrolled or just the one system?

If no one knows for sure, I will go carefully when ready and check before I actually remove any systems.


It is in connection with the future policy, after the rtm. I would imagine it will apply to the information you have registered on the insider program, not a specific computer.
If you only have a single such, then it will, naturally, apply to all your computers.

You have probably read the update, but, for other readers. Beware. MS have moved the goal posts.
If you opt out of the insider program, after receiving your upgrade, it will, in time, become deactivated. The only way forward, then, is to purchase a licence.
Best path is to allow the offered upgrade to your Windows 7/8 machine through the normal channels.

After many months of battling with the builds, offering, and receiving advice, at this point I can see no real advantage...
It is in connection with the future policy, after the rtm. I would imagine it will apply to the information you have registered on the insider program, not a specific computer.
If you only have a single such, then it will, naturally, apply to all your computers.

You have probably read the update, but, for other readers. Beware. MS have moved the goal posts.
If you opt out of the insider program, after receiving your upgrade, it will, in time, become deactivated. The only way forward, then, is to purchase a licence.
Best path is to allow the offered upgrade to your Windows 7/8 machine through the normal channels.

After many months of battling with the builds, offering, and receiving advice, at this point I can see no real advantage in continuing to be in the program at all.

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Thanks Dave, you feel just removing the builds from a particular computer is all you would need to do, unless you wanted out of the program completely. If I were to decide to convert to Windows 10 on one system, I wonder if that will take you out of the program automatically. This is the type of thing I would normally test, but in this case, it will be a one time only event.

I agree, I am not enthused about continuing the program. I haven't been happy with the communications and the lack of feedback to users. But I haven't completely decided if I want to sacrifice a license although I do have two $35 Windows 8 licenses I don't really care about, as long as the OS works. The recent Nvidia update seems to have helped my X99 system and its surround video.

Maybe I will just take part of the year to see how I feel about a version of Windows 10 that may actually work... If we haven't gotten anything special through the Insiders program, make a decision then.

After many months of battling with the builds, offering, and receiving advice, at this point I can see no real advantage in continuing to be in the program at all.
I agree, I am not enthused about continuing the program. I haven't been happy with the communications and the lack of feedback to users.
I echo these sentiments and can only add that, my disappointment is almost wholly based on their foot dragging when it comes to releasing new builds.

We know that they're out there, hell I've ran both 10135 as well as 10147 and found both to be far superior (especially the later) to where we so called "Insiders" are left languishing with 10130.
Don't get me started on Windows 10 mobile ( I participate in that debacle as well)

If there is an "upgrade" issue (like with the latest mobile build) then say so and don't leave us in the dark and feed us crap like we're mushrooms. Maybe offer an ISO (most of us would rather go that route anyway), with a warning as to what consequences if any might be associated with using it. If we have to blow it away to move forward, then fine, I'm willing to do that.
I don't get it, surely they know that most of us are doing clean installs anyway even going so far as to create our own ISOs.

It's sad really.
They call us "Insiders"?
I call BS.
