kevin from Chi-town

New Member
Jan 11, 2009
I've been using multiple browsers throughout my testing of Win 7, and and come to the conclusion that so many of you have; and that is IE 8 is a real piece of crap. It has gotten to the point where it just doesn't work. Unfortunately, I need Explorer to log onto my MS account to properly utilize the functions of the site. So it's back to IE 7 I go, along with Chrome, Firefox, and maybe I'll try safari. Sorry I doubted any of the warnings posted on this site.

My experience confirms Kevin's observation with regard to IE8. I haven't tried to do so yet, but is installation of IE7 a routine process in Windows 7 as it is in previous windows versions? I upgraded (?) to IE8 on an XP desktop and had a similar experience with...
IE has always been a bloated POS. IE8 seems to be no different. That's why I've used firefox since version .8.

My experience confirms Kevin's observation with regard to IE8. I haven't tried to do so yet, but is installation of IE7 a routine process in Windows 7 as it is in previous windows versions? I upgraded (?) to IE8 on an XP desktop and had a similar experience with that application. Have since rolled that back to IE7. I haven't seen any Microsoft blogs even admitting to these problems. Are their heads so deeply entrenched in the sand that they don't even know that their "stuff" doesn't work?

IE8 has apparently come from the same "cubicle" in Redmond as Vista, SP3 upgrade for XP, and Office 2007.
I have had very good results with IE8. I really like the favourites bar and the security - have cookies diabled with only flashplayer enabled as an add-on as well, as flashplayer's directory structure disabled. Additionally. I have 'inprivate' mode automated. The only problem I've had is it hangs on Cnet/ZDnet downloads - but so does Firefox 3.5 preview.

I really like IE8.
I really don't know why your all having so many problems with IE8.. I've been testing Windows 7 since the very early alpha builds and have yet to have any major problem with IE8.. Win 7 is installed on all 5 of my home pc's (it's on all of them because they all range from very different time frames and true testing isn't done on only new hardware).. Even on the oldest PC I have right now (which is from the late 90's), IE8 still is functioning just as good as it did the day I installed the RC.. And no, I'm not just doing everyday surfing on these machines..

I too use Safari and have recently been turned on to Chrome.. 1 of my older machines also uses Firefox but I usually always end up coming back to IE8.. I donno, maybe it's just me but I find MS has drastically improved IE with this 8th version.. I do agree that it could do without some of the bloat, but it's easy to disable most of the bullsh*t that comes with IE8 and end up with a finely tuned browser in my opinion..
Well its got to the point where upon execution, another window pops with a null error asking if I want to recover.. If I click yes the next window prompts me to close the program. I've updated a few things in 7 through MS updates which kind of leads me to believe one of these updates may be the culprit. I've had severe issues recently with MS updates, thats why I usually have it turned off.
I was in the same opinion when i upgrading my IE from 7 to 8 when i was running vista. It was a waste of space in my opinion so went back to IE7

Now that I have Windows 7, I have become used to the way IE8 looks and runs. Even though I have still installed Firefox 3 as well as a backup