Windows 7 Problem with drivers....


New Member
May 8, 2009
Hi 2 all, I know that Im new in here, and that this is my first post, but I want to ask you something about WIN 7 and drivers...
Im not noob just to know..
I have DL'ed WIN 7 RC1 and I tried to instal on my PC, but before that I ask some guys and they told me to DL vist drivers and that they will work on WIN 7, so I did that...Next was this, Instalation of WIN 7 was good and everything was ok with no errors... And when I tried to install audio drivers my PC stuck at the moment, and I couldnt do anything, just hard restart * on button ) I tried few times but I had thge same situation. I had problems with audio drivers... So does anyone know what cause that....???

I want to use WIN 7 its awesome but I have problems... :S

Now Im using XP and everything is ok and I had Vista 32 bit who worked fine...

My motherboard is GIGABYTE Motherboard GA-M55S-S3

Thanx in advance!
Welcome to Windows7forums...

I would say it's a matter of the wrong driver was installed.. It's true that the latest Vista drivers will/should work but not all of them will of course.. So if there's no Windows 7 specific driver available right now for your motherboard and the latest Vista one won't work (as you've found out) then unfortunately your just going to have to wait until there is one released.. Unless you can find another Vista one that will work.. Chances are though if the latest one (which is hopefully the one you tried) isn't working then no other Vista one's will either..

Just remember before trying any new drivers you must first uninstall the previous one..

One more question, did you do a clean install or an upgrade? If you had done a clean install Windows 7 SHOULD have found a driver for your audio through Windows Update.. It doesn't always work that way but 7 seems to be pretty good at doing that with fairly recent hardware...
Thanx on warm welcome...
And thanx for fast reply!
First of all, I dl'ed Win 7 RC 1 straight from
Second.. I dl'ed latest Vista drivers...
And third ( I dont want to count anymore ) yes I did clean Instal...
I saw that Win 7 have some problems with UAC... And there was problems during instalation, computer freez and I cant do nothing...
And yes, Win 7 reported that I have audio drivers, but there was NO SOUND, I tried to play song in WMP and song goes but there is no SOUND! So I thought that I need to instal drivers, I tried and then computer freez at half of instalation... And I tried to do another instalation and I faild again... I cant use WIn whitout of sound ( drivers at first place... :S . Dont know what to do... I need to wait for proper Win 7 drivers for my motherboard.... And that suck.. I desperately want to use... but Im sad cuz I need to wait for final version :S...

Much thanx dude..

I wouldn't use WMP first of all.. It's garbage.. I'd suggest using VLC Media Player.. it's a free media player that will play almost ANY format problem free.. It's available here:

VLC media player - Overview

I imagine there is a fix for WMP but I hate that media player and have never bothered trying to fix any of the problems it has so I'm no good to you on that... But VLC is worth having a look at..
Really I dont care about WMP, I use Winamp all the time, but whatever I want to use there is no sound...
nah dude, Thanx for help you are awesome, you want to help.. I need to wait for Gigabyte to release WIN 7 drivers.. adn thats all!!!
Much thanx!!!!


You might want to Google GIGABYTE windows 7 drivers. I didn't com up with your exact board, but there were quite a few posts. it may be worth a shot.

Not a problem at all my friend, I just wish I could have helped you more.. That was going to be my next suggestion actually.. waiting for Win 7 drivers to be released.. I was just hoping we could figure out a way around that in the meantime..

Reghakr's suggestion is also a good one.. perhaps someone has found a workaround in the meantime..