Chris Bradley

New Member
Jul 2, 2011
Hey there,
Im new here and I just wanted to just ask a quick question to anyone that will hear me out...
Ive currently got 2 systems running..
-Win 7 32bit with 2x2gb DDR2 ram
-Win XP Pro with 2x512mb DDR2 ram

and I currently have a single 1gb DDR2 ram card spare.

as my Win7 system is only utilizing 3 out of 4gb ram,
I was wondering if it would be safe to swap one of the 2gb cards with the 1gb, and install it into the other system?
Would this work, and is it safe?

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As Far as I'm aware, 32 bit systems are "limited" to the amount of ram they can use, circa 3.25gb. Something to do with x86 Legacy, I think.

But kaos is quite right with his statement about using matched ram. Putting in the 1gb stick with one of your 2gb sticks will possibly cause you no end of problems with your Win7 set up. With 7 it's always best to use matched sets of Ram (Make, Size, Series, Batch etc..) and the way to do that is buy it as a set.

I'd possibly try the 1gb stick in your XP set up with one of the 512mb. And I'm only saying that because I used to throw anything (including the unknown one I found under the wardrobe!) into my XP set up and it never used to complain. Not saying that's a good practice though!

You can...
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He's mine from my lappy, it only shows 2.87GB out of 4GB, my Video card uses 256MB of that, But I'm missing 1GB on a 64Bit OS, even with mapping, I have seen it on other computers too, it's typical for older computers. Your's is 32bit and seems right for a 32bit OS, around 3.25 - 3.5GB the rest is not usable by the operating system, if you have onboard Video your 3.25 and 3.5GB wil shrink to 3.12 and 3.25 respectfully.
