Windows 7 re: Strange email, auto-reply


New Member
Sep 25, 2010
- - - Sorry, this is a duplicate post - - - I forgot to change the title in my last post submission.

Hi Guys,

I recently sent a group email using gmail. After I sent the mail, I received an auto-reply from one of the people I emailed that said "Hi! Thank you for your letter. I will answer as soon as possible. I advise you to visit"

I know for a fact that the person I sent the email to did not send this email. Can you please tell me how someone programmed my email or his auto-reply to write me? ... and how I can prevent this from happening again in the future?


P.S. I recently had a virus removed from my laptop ... does this mean I still have the virus?

Re: Strange email, auto-reply

hi there M :D

its a virus, that a lot off people have nowdays not sure how to remove it, but if the replys u get back seen funny in any kinda of way with a URL
dont click on it,as you will get the virus your self

hope this helped
Re: Strange email, auto-reply

hi there M :D

its a virus, that a lot off people have nowdays not sure how to remove it, but if the replys u get back seen funny in any kinda of way with a URL
dont click on it,as you will get the virus your self

hope this helped
