New patch released. (as well as new game plus DLC)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Patch 1.08.2
New Game+, 16th and final FREE DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now available for download on every platform!
Link Removed
Patch 1.10 released with 5 pages of changes!

Here's a screenshot i took the other day:
Patch 1.10 incoming today:
Link Removed Link Removed
Patch 1.10 coming later today to all platforms. Get ready for Link Removed and download it! Link Removed Link Removed
Link Removed

Oh and it's between 6-15GB depending on platform.
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Hearts of Stone DLC is now active and available:

Witcher 3 patch 1.11 released for all platforms:

Fyi has it on sale right now... I may let myself be carried away.
Q for you guys that have it... What kind of replay are we talking here i.e can I get two complete runs in without that bioware after taste?
Is there one good guy and one bad guy ending with all choices leading to that outcome aka bioware games or are there reasons to replay i.e. if I'm on my third play through and sleep with so&so does that give me a different story or just a (well deserved) slap in the face cut-screen then more on?
  • How many times can we play this game before it gets old?
You could decide to play it a number of ways and the ending is probably the best I've ever seen in a game before. It all depends on the choices you make within the game. I've played it twice amounting to some 429hrs. The game is simply vast and i've still to finish the latest DLC not to mention various bits and bobs still left to do around the main map.
The only reason I won't be playing a third time is because Fallout 4 comes out in 5 days time. I just hope i manage to finish the Hearts of Stone DLC by then..
More wallpaper is released based on the DLC this time:

2560x1600: Link Removed
1920x1080: Link Removed
1600x1200: Link Removed
1920x1200: Link Removed
The new Blood and Wine expansion will be released May 31st!

Apparently it's 30+ hours of Witcher mayhem.. Deep Joy!
May 31st for the new expansion, Blood and Wine!

CD Projekt has released the patch notes for the coming 1.20 update to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

This patch fixes an awful amount and is available sometime after this weekend but before the expansion is released on the 31st.

'Other big changes include the addition of optional enemy “upscaling,” which will make low-level enemies more challenging'
