I definitely need to get this by year's end. It look's too good.
Yeah the graphics are something else altogether, everywhere you turn you feel like pressing F12 (in STEAM). Great story too with a average play time of around 150-200hrs.
It would take me forever to finish. I usually can only ten minutes, tops. Then my fingers start gettingeither sore or numb. It varies all the time.
New patch released for Witcher 3. Patch 1.22 is around 2.9GB for Steam. Enjoy..

One of my favorite single player RPGs of all time, (only competition the Tomb Raider games).

I have installed the latest and sadly the last new content update for it but I've put off starting because I don't want to get to the end.

When I get tired of playing The Secret World (my favorite MMO of all time) again and need a break I'll go back to it and play slowly doing every thing and looking in every nook and cranny.

I'll log in and download the patch now.

Thanks William although the game is so pretty it's hard to go wrong really. As for settings, yes it was with the 980Ti @ 1080p All settings set to 'Ultra' with Nvidia's Hair mod set at medium. On full I can detect a tiny hitch here and there despite running at 60fps and personally I prefer my games to look good but run smooth so medium it is. I also have the settings cranked up in the driver too so it's doing a lot of crazy things to each pixel lol..
The numbers involved are literally mindblowing and it's something which never fails to amaze me. {not just with the 980Ti I mean for any high end graphics card}
Hey you guy's may know, can you suggest a free online skyrim type of game? The staff need a new game to play as DOOM multiplayer kinda sucks really..

If you want an online game like Skyrim then you should play The Elder Scrolls Online.

It's produced by the same people as Skyrim and takes place in the same lands as the Elder Scrolls games.

It has great graphics and a real story line that leads through the game.

You have to buy the game $40 on steam, but it's free to play once you have it.

I've played it since beta and still go back and forth between it and A Secret World.

But if you want a really fun, and different game try The Secret World, my favorite MMO ever, set in the modern world taking place from New England, and Egypt, to Transylvania and Japan, it's a totally different system, no armor, no levels, you can wear anything from jeans and a t-shirt to a tuxedo. It's a blast, and what I'm playing most right now.

I've played it since beta.

It too, is free to play after you purchase it, $30 on steam.

Some great suggestions Mike but it has to be totally free. Weren't you playing something a while back? I can't remember if it was free or not but you seemed to like it... Damn I wish I could remember the name, maybe 'Black-something' or 'something-Black', I don't know lol.. Ignore my ramblings Mike. I'll have a look meself,

What I was playing (I still am but I got evolved in The Secret World again playing a new update) was Black Desert Online, but it's not a free game either, you have to buy it then it's free to play.

I have to say that it's not as good a game as either The Elder Scrolls or The Secret World.

What you might check into it The Lord of the Rings Online.

Play The Lord of the Rings Online™ Free!

My friend Paul and I played it for years and it's free to install and free to play now.
It wasn't back when we played it.

The graphics are a little out of date but look right for the style of the game and it's a lot of fun to play, especially if your a fan of the books.

Patch 1.30 released for all platforms tomorrow ( 30/8/2016 )
Witcher 3 GOTY Edition released today:

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