
Extraordinary Member
Mar 26, 2011
I am having a a nasty WLAN/network issue which is like a sharp stone in the shoe. This issue is only on one computer and happens with any browser.

When I start the computer the WLAN connection though slow and clumsy does come up and shows in the taskbar. But when I connect to any site (whether from the bookmarks or randomly) the router breaks down and restarts. In some cases it connects to the site alright, but then gets broken after a few seconds or minutes.

There were some 0_access rootkits and Trojans in system32, but got rid of them. The system is completely clean and virus free, but stable connectivity remains missing.

I'm using a Speedport W 921V Router and a Realtek USB for WLAN on a 50 a MBit connection.

Any solutions or suggestions? Would really appreciate some ideas.


It might be the router...what's the make and model of the router? You could try resetting the router by unplugging it from the AC outlet for 2 minutes and plugging it back in. There might be a firmware update for the router that may help with the connection stability.
How did you get rid of your rootkits and torjans? I would recommend redoing it in safemode. Next I would download the latest wireless drivers.

Thanks for your response.

If you have MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti Malware) there is a link for "More Tools" and with help of the Anti-Rootkit (download it) I removed around 16 of them! For other Trojans in System32 you need to run MBAM scan in the "perform full scan mode".

Wireless drivers are the latest and up-to date (according to Microsoft). Is there a way to get the latest driver version from the manufacturer for: Realtek RTL 8191SU Wireless LAN. My present version is: 1086.5.1111.2009 which I suspect is not the latest.


I re-cleaned in safe mode and it showed the 2 Trojans which I removed.

Thanks for the link. I downloaded the latest driver and installed it. This time the connection sustained for about 20 minutes with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

But as I went off and re-started Chrome, and clicked on the Google Drives Bookmark, it kicked the router out to start all over again!

What is not in order or why does the router fall apart?

It might be the router...what's the make and model of the router? You could try resetting the router by unplugging it from the AC outlet for 2 minutes and plugging it back in. There might be a firmware update for the router that may help with the connection stability.

I have given the make of the router in my first post. Firmware is also the latest. See other computers going from the same router have no problems whatsoever. I tried the computer over another connection in other premises that also has the same router - Speedport w 921 V- same hassle, restarts the router. Other computers go over it smooth as silk! Its jinxed. you know!
