Windows 7 running windows 7 of server 2003 i need help!!


New Member
Nov 5, 2009
im running windows 7 32 bit of my work pc. its connected to a domain and i use my log on details but everytime i log of everything resets its self. for example if i pin anything to the task bar it removes it and my email account i have to re due all the settings. Its like its not connected to the domain but i can still access the files on our server but any files i save on my pc disapear if i log out. Can any1 give me any surgestions on what i need to do.


Steve, it sounds like your Windows 7 work PC is experiencing some issues with roaming profiles or user profile synchronization. Here are some suggestions to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:

Check Roaming Profiles:​

  1. Verify Roaming Profile Configuration: Ensure that your user account is set up with the correct roaming profile configuration, allowing your settings and files to persist across different machines.
  2. Permissions: Check if there are any permission issues with your user profile that might prevent changes from being saved.

    User Profile Settings:​

  3. Local Profile vs. Roaming Profile: Confirm whether your user profile is set to roam with the domain or if it's a local profile...
Steve, it sounds like your Windows 7 work PC is experiencing some issues with roaming profiles or user profile synchronization. Here are some suggestions to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:

Check Roaming Profiles:​

  1. Verify Roaming Profile Configuration: Ensure that your user account is set up with the correct roaming profile configuration, allowing your settings and files to persist across different machines.
  2. Permissions: Check if there are any permission issues with your user profile that might prevent changes from being saved.

    User Profile Settings:​

  3. Local Profile vs. Roaming Profile: Confirm whether your user profile is set to roam with the domain or if it's a local profile.
  4. Profile Sync Issues: Your profile might not be syncing correctly due to network issues or profile corruption.

    Troubleshooting Steps:​

  5. Cache and Temp Files: Clear temporary files and caches on your PC. Sometimes, these files can cause profile synchronization issues.
  6. Log Files: Check Windows event logs for any errors related to profile synchronization or domain connections.

    Possible Solutions:​

  7. Recreate User Profile: If the profile is corrupted, creating a new user profile might resolve the issues you are facing.
  8. Domain Connectivity: Ensure that your PC is consistently connected to the domain network to allow for proper profile syncing. You may need assistance from your IT department or a system administrator to implement some of these solutions, especially if they involve changes to domain policies or user profile settings. If the issue persists, they can further investigate the domain configuration and profile synchronization settings to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. Feel free to reach out if you need more specific guidance on any of these steps!