Windows 7 Screen refresh rate in Windows 7 6956

Arek F.

New Member
Dec 25, 2008

I have a problem with setting the refresh rate in Windows 7 Build 6956.
When I select the option „Hide modes that this monitor cannot display” I can choose 70Hz, but when I apply it, it still uses 60Hz.
My graphic card is GeForce 7300GT.

Please help, and sorry for my Engrish :razz:

Is the system displaying properly or is there a problem? I think the OS will know to choose the correct mode for you. Why do you want to hide those modes?

well....the modes thats hidin...should probably not be used...
because their settings that the monitor may not work correctly with...
so setting it to 70mhz & the monitor may not support it sets itself back to 60...
I have an you may have..
but their best to keep them at 60mhz... (makes the life longer)
unless the old crt monitors was able to handle much more with no problem for a life long time.

theres much info about this all over the net...

including your problem where its returning back to 60mhz....

the OS you had before.,(vista/xp)...did it allow you to set your refreash rate at 70mhz?
or is this a first time with win7?

I can use this mode in Windows Vista and Windows XP. I have a standard CRT monitor. In build 6801 of Windows 7, I can't use this mode too.


I have a problem with setting the refresh rate in Windows 7 Build 6956.
When I select the option „Hide modes that this monitor cannot displayâ€Â￾ I can choose 70Hz, but when I apply it, it still uses 60Hz.
My graphic card is GeForce 7300GT.

Please help, and sorry for my Engrish :razz:
I am once again going to tell people that this is a beta version of windows 7 and problems are bound to happen. I believe that it is a problem with the driver you use. If the company has not released a windows 7 driver then please wait until it is released and live with the 60Hz refresh rate.

I agree with Iroken22 here, you have to remember people, this is a BETA version of Windows 7.. and as such there WILL be problems... it's just the way it is.. ;)

@Arek F.

Welcome to Windows7forums! :)

Your problem does sound like a driver issue... as Iroken22 said just live with the 60Hz for now until there is an official Windows 7 driver released for your hardware.. hopefully when that happens your problem will be fixed..

It's a driver issue, plain and simple. If NVidia doesn't have a beta driver (Which I believe they don't) try updating using the latest Windows Vista driver (I believe it's 180 series).

Ok, I am waiting for a driver update. Thanks for your help!

True. It's a pre release (not even Beta!).But surely, this is the best place to post faults found and possible suggestions. There may have been a simple answer to the problem, which the op was not aware of?

Maybe this would be a good thread to ask, is anyone getting other than the offered 60?
I have installed from 6801 to 7000 on three machines with different graphics cards, none particularly new, but all 75 capable in Vista. I am only offered a 60 refresh rate on all.

yea...I'm offered up to 75....
I keep it on 60 though....

my eyes are good & the screen does just fine :)

yea...I'm offered up to 75....
I keep it on 60 though....

my eyes are good & the screen does just fine :)
I as well have the choice to use 75hz refresh rate but i do not choose to do so and leave it on 60 hz as i dont need superior refresh rate.

OK. Thanks people. I don't want to prolong this thread. I have the answer. Looks like I need to update the (four) family computers if I want to move on - small chance on my income!!!

... I never even thought to ask, but is the 7300GT in question hooked up to an LCD monitor?
If so, LCD monitors don't conform to a refresh rate, so it's a moot point, and all this discussion was for nothing. :P



I would update your OS to 7000 beta Win7. The latest driver for NVIDIA and Win7 is 179.23, anyone using 185.20 is asking for trouble, that is not an official driver. I would also use the last Vista driver instead if you need something more stable. I am using 179.23 and Win7 7000 and I can change my refresh rates up to 85 hz depending on what resolution I choose. The higher the resolution, the lower the max refresh rate will be (ie 60hz max for 1600x1200)

Also, I personally believe that a higher refresh rate is easier on the eyes and your mouse scrolls are faster as well. It's not saving you any energy choosing the lower setting. But, if you enjoy 60hz then that is ok also.

I have a similar video card and it set up with 70 or 75 refresh rate, but my screen had a 3/4" black border around it. After I changed the refresh rate to 60, the border went away, so I'm sticking with the 60.
