Windows 8 Search does not find some Windows components anymore


New Member
May 12, 2014
Hi all,

I've a strange problem for a couple of days now.

When I enter update or program it doesn't find Windows Update and Uninstaller anymore.

Has anybody an idea how to solve this?

Try runnig (sfc /scannow) in an elevated cmd prompt and see if you have any corrupted system files and if it does, does it fix them.
What do you mean by "enter or program" ?

To get to windows update, go to control panel, system/security, scroll down to windows update, then on the left hand side of that windows select "check for updates".

I mean when I enter the word update or the word program into the search text box the system does not find anything.

What is "word update"? What is word program? Are you talking about MS office suite that has word? If so what version of office are you using?

Nah. I mean when I enter the word / term "update" into the search it had provided the windows update function in the past. currently only other update programs like Java Updater will be shown.


Are you going to your start screen? If you are and go over to the right upper corner and click on search. Type in update and it should come up. Mine is showing all including windows update.

Yes. The picture is from the start screen. And it does not show the Windows update. Neither does it show any other windows components. It did in the past but it seems an update or something else is blocking this now.

You have to type in the search box "windows update" and not "update" and it'll work every time.

Have to try it later when I'm back at home. My work pc with 8.1 does the search like I'm used to. When I search for update the first result is Windows Update.

For me using update or windows update shows it....although using the word update shows half way down the list of about 12 total updates. So, not sure why the discrepancy in the search results.

The result of windows update shows nothing on my home pc. While my company pc shows it. It seems there is a deeper problem. perhaps with the index.
update 2.webp

Try runnig (sfc /scannow) in an elevated cmd prompt and see if you have any corrupted system files and if it does, does it fix them.

Ok. It looks like the permissions of my files have been tampered with. I'm trying now to set them straight.

That's not good...does anybody else have physical access to your computer? I'd start running a complete AV scan and any and all malware/spyware software you have.

AV scan didn't find anything. No physical access either. I suspect an update has gone haywire.

Some directories didn't have any permissions left.

I've checked the startmenu folders and there are no lnk files pointing to the windows updates and other windows components. I assume these files have been deleted somehow. Since I can not recreate the links I have to live with it.

Thank you for your help.

I'd find it the repair with. How much important data do you have on it? If this was mine, I'd back up anything of value, but only pictures and documents (that's just me) and do a clean install. Then pay attention to what software you install, one at a time and see if the issue occurs or symptoms return.
