Windows 10 Since windows 10 upgrade, desktop is very slow/reluctant to load Thunderbird and Chrome from task bar

Confused as Carolyn

Honorable Member
Apr 24, 2016
Hi, Since I did a windows 10 upgrade, my Lenovo desktop is very slow/reluctant to load Thunderbird and Chrome programs from the task bar. I've deleted cookies, etc, it makes no difference. I have to click Thunderbird at least twice, before it registers, (but then sometimes opens 2 instances).
Should I just boil the jug AFTER turning the computer on, and be patient, or is there a fix?

There are many causes of "odd behavior" on a computer including
  • Operating system corruption that could have been carried over from the upgrade
  • Malware
  • Depending on the age dust and dirt can build up on components such as the CPU and cause the system to slow down
  • Hardware age or failing components such as memory and hard drives can cause odd issues

There are many causes of "odd behavior" on a computer including
  • Operating system corruption that could have been carried over from the upgrade
  • Malware
  • Depending on the age dust and dirt can build up on components such as the CPU and cause the system to slow down
  • Hardware age or failing components such as memory and hard drives can cause odd issues
oh, ok, so I may as well just learn to be patient then. Thanks.
