
Mar 25, 2006
You know it's a drag one hesitates when it's to say something good. Seems hard to do w/ such worthy contributions as "fanboy" & "evangelist", as if curse words or slander, maligning, not worthy by motivation to be given credence, scoffed @ cus of presumed MS driven bias, but, anyway, lol

This is whilst @ Desktop, as per Start Tile, Desktop>
To have 1 or more. so-called APPs waiting in wings, ready @ my whim sitting on the sidelines...like, say, Calendar. Then, for example, Rt Clk that Calendar & Snap it Right. Just cus of how things are physically positioned here, the orientation is Right; Taskbar is hidden by, my choice, on the Right edge. Now (by example) Calendar is taking up maybe 1/5 of the screen, the rest of it is my normal Desktop; Calendar is not covering Taskbar... thusly, maybe a bunch of events & dates as a reminder, a To Do list, in my face, via Stick Notes & maybe other items that could do well pugged into a Calendar, that syncs to all (my) calendars AND does Reminders... I keep looking @ whatever, anywhere in the sys, look over & insert the data into the Calendar, in real time, w/ really, no manipulating. No fuss, just, quick & easy, handy, little thing; transferring the info was a breeze & convenient. Now, the Sticky Note can be gone, @ least for now AND I'm going to get Reminders. Some of the basic, features, ideas, abilities & offerings of Windows 8 may be more help than harm, more appealing than appalling.

APPs sitting in the Left Edge & this Snap thing is an example of something good. No, it's not the wrong verb; I'm treating the 2 together as a single example.

Of course, there is, also, the Snap we, already, knew & Rip & Snap, from Windows 7; that is unchanged.

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Yes, I can and have, already, actually, elsewhere in this forum. I can, admittedly, save for 1 small concession... @ boot, passing momentarily past the Start screen is unavoidable. However, ALL Tiles, except Desktop, can be removed from there OR just pretend they and the Start screen are not there cus you never have to see them, again. That said:

1. Start the machine.
2. This takes a fraction of a second... when you come to the Start screen do 1 of the following:
A. Click on the Desktop Tile
B. Have the Desktop Tile positioned @ the Top-Left & just hit Enter.
C. Hit WinD

Ok, so, now, faster than you could blink you're on Desktop. @ this point you never need go back to Start. Yet, can access everything quickly & easily...
So what are you trying say, or wanting....some clear concise coherent well structured sentences with some meaning would be nice. Just one's opinion.

Was merely saying & giving an example of feature & ability in Win8 that might be considered something good. I will use a writing style that suits you betterin future. Sorry if the OP seems unclear to you.


I gave up reading halfway through. You may recall, a while ago, Drew, of your (occasional) habit of breaking into Jinglise. It does, often, become a waste of space! Maybe after a late night - lol?

Hopefully this will satisfy 'yall. You could maybe try to grasp what was said instead of picking on how it was expressed. And there was no late night or any other negative influence. So glad I don't tell others they can't be individuals.


For those of you who were insulting to me which, I do not appreciate one bit & are either winding me up or genuinely, much to my surprise, couldn't grasp what was said or why it was said...

For nearly a year I have seen people bashing things about Windows 8. In fairness, a lot of good is said, as well. It has irked me that, more in this forum than others, when someone says anything positive they called labelled 'fanboy' and 'evangelist' with the 'feel' or being called either lepers or crazy or having some blindly driven bias in favor of (stupid) Microsoft. Ergo, I felt like mentioning something about Windows 8 that might be seen, as a good item and that there might, even, be more.

The UI is nuts, APPs are nuts, one reads this stuff day after day. I have oft suggested that that rhetoric might lessen if folks 'understood the OS more and let others, who do see some value items help them give the thing a more enlightened chance.

That said. I was merely pointing out the handy, useful value of having active APPs sitting readily available IN the "Switcher Bar". It can be appealing to not lose the Desktop whilst being able to see and use an APP along side said Desktop. I cited an example of taking bits from Stick Notes on the screen or info from elsewhere in the HDD and easily, conveniently being able to look effortlessly from the Desktop to the Calendar APP and quickly plug 'scattered' data into various dates AND have it provide reminder for same and sync with other calendars, such as Outlook or MSN/Hotmail calendars.

I don't type quickly and, certainly, took some shortcuts. Since I was a child I have been complimented on being well-spoken, cared about good English and its grammar. Like, know what I like mean <---- OMG, what ever got that rubbish started??

Hopefully this will satisfy 'yall. You could maybe try to grasp what was said instead of picking on how it was expressed. And there was no late night or any other negative influence. So glad I don't tell others they can't be individuals.


For those of you who were insulting to me which, I do not appreciate one bit & are either winding me up or genuinely, much to my surprise, couldn't grasp what was said or why it was said...

For nearly a year I have seen people bashing things about Windows 8. In fairness, a lot of good is said, as well. It has irked me that, more in this forum than others, when someone says anything positive they called labelled 'fanboy' and 'evangelist' with the 'feel' or being called either lepers or crazy or having some blindly driven bias in favor of (stupid) Microsoft. Ergo, I felt like mentioning something about Windows 8 that might be seen, as a good item and that there might, even, be more.

The UI is nuts, APPs are nuts, one reads this stuff day after day. I have oft suggested that that rhetoric might lessen if folks 'understood the OS more and let others, who do see some value items help them give the thing a more enlightened chance.

That said. I was merely pointing out the handy, useful value of having active APPs sitting readily available IN the "Switcher Bar". It can be appealing to not lose the Desktop whilst being able to see and use an APP along side said Desktop. I cited an example of taking bits from Stick Notes on the screen or info from elsewhere in the HDD and easily, conveniently being able to look effortlessly from the Desktop to the Calendar APP and quickly plug 'scattered' data into various dates AND have it provide reminder for same and sync with other calendars, such as Outlook or MSN/Hotmail calendars.

I don't type quickly and, certainly, took some shortcuts. Since I was a child I have been complimented on being well-spoken, cared about good English and its grammar. Like, know what I like mean <---- OMG, what ever got that rubbish started??
Drew, the reason many people call you and others "Evangelists" and "Fan boy" are mainly due to your insistence that windows 8 is "Perfect". No OS is perfect and when you refuse to even listen to complaints then it is understandable that people will feel you have sold your soul. Unbiased criticism is healthy criticism. Windows 7 has the big drawback of lacking the OPTION for classic menus and it has a very bad search feature. Windows 8 has ignored a large part of MS OS users who actually require certain OPTIONS. Please allow us users to use our PCs as we like and not have the OS force feed us. If Win 8 offered the option of classic menus and the option to totally bypass Metro amongst other things, then I for one would consider upgrading.

Microsoft is exhibiting the arrogance of a monopoly. I have seen and tried win 8 and quite honestly I am not impressed. I am also sure that it has many very good features but they pale compared to the annoyance of the forced metro and lack of options.

I would trust your technical competence regarding win 8 were you to also listen to the complaints instead of waving them by and insisting that win 8 is basically perfect!

Have a nice day! :cool:

I have never said or thought that any OS is perfect. I am not so stupid as to think such a thing. I listen to complaints & do not slough them off. I make & comment on observances. I just don't happen to see this OS the way you do. I am not deaf, dumb & blind cus I view it differently. Things like "forced & arrogance & lack of" are not part of my perception. I try to work w/ what I'm given in a positive manner. For me, it works just fine w/out adding 3 party stuff, w/out being bothered by Modern UI. I don't even mind Search although, not sure why it's split into 3 parts BUT, it is handy & neat to just begin typing on Start & it go find what one wanted. Maybe my fault is I cope rather than complain. I don't mind how others think. I may try to show & tell about things that may make their User experience happier. Because I suggested there may be 1 or more things in 8 that are nice does NOT mean I suggested the whole thing is perfect!!

It sounds it more a matter of you feeling that I'm not open to others because I don't, won't or can't think as you do. Yet, I don't ignore or treat as meaningless what you write. I could say the same back cus you lead people to believe it's crap, @ least w/out adding Classic Shell whilst I do not find it true. Hard to say who is 'bias' or if bias even applies. I, certainly, have no warped bias towards Microsoft but, I do happen to like Windows 8 & do not 'see' it the way you do. I should be allowed that liberty. And the liberty for me not to care to tell folks it's a mess... which is NOT to say it is perfect!

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I would like to quote and respond as an honest unbiased outsider to this conversation and/or Debate

the reason many people call you and others "Evangelists" and "Fan boy" are mainly due to your insistence that windows 8 is "Perfect". No OS is perfect and when you refuse to even listen to complaints then it is understandable that people will feel you have sold your soul.

You are correct, No OS is perfect; however it is the intellectual property of Microsoft and they have a right to choose which issues to listen to and/or ignore. The great thing about a free market is that we get to choose as well; whether to accept their choices or move onto something we like better. For some, that is Linux, for others, that is an earlier version of Windows which better meets our needs or the totally different approach of Apple.

As a software developer I generally will hear 100 complaints about my software, with people asking for enhancement requests. I don’t just ignore them; I take them into consideration, look at the engineering/development costs (amount of coding to be done, hours coding, does the enhancement meet the scope of the application) versus the monetary benefit (ie return on investment) and determine if this enhancement is something that should/can be done.

Microsoft is exhibiting the arrogance of a monopoly. I have seen and tried win 8 and quite honestly I am not impressed. I am also sure that it has many very good features but they pale compared to the annoyance of the forced metro and lack of options.

I disagree with the statement that MS is exhibiting the arrogance of a monopoly. I believe they saw a structured environment which has met the needs of a client base, developed a system to deliver the same environment on a larger scale, while offering lower cost options. IE Apple has been doing this for a lot longer, and people clamor on about how great they are, and how wonderful life is etc… MS saw this and listened to consumers who wanted simplicity; elegance and structure.

I believe that the integration of the Tablet Market, Phone Market and PC Market is where the industry is going at this time. What Microsoft has offered us, is the first step of general pc’s being able to do what Apple has done so well; which is build a larger than life fully integrated system. Why shouldn’t others look at this model, appreciate the business success it has brought and try to emulate? Sincerely, what else has MS done than emulate that of others anyway.

FYI: I am a Software Developer who does primarily work in the MS field. Therefore, I do support their choices, as they dictate my livelihood to some extent. Now, that being said, I am not a sheep being herded around, that’s just my own .02 cents.

Lastly, I want to say, I believe Windows 8 is a huge advancement over Windows 7. I enjoy the UI, I enjoy the speed, the under the hood enhancements that they’ve made, and yes, even the integration that seems to be coming. I think it’s a brilliant delivery especially with the boom of HTPC’s and the ability to configure them for Netflix, Hulu, XBMC, Etc all in one central location, while removing all other options from the screen. It’s a clean interface. Guess what, I hated XP, I hated Vista, I hated Windows 7… I loved Windows 98 though.

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Thanks once again 'STG'.

Folks you might not be so negative towards Win8 or the overall changes in computing if you allow yourselves to try to see (hate this expression) the big picture. Things that 'STG', myself & others have been trying to express & convey for months are valid, have merit. It is so much more conducive to happiness to work w/ what IS, see the good & the improvement than to always complain & condemn & cry for something different, especially if it's in the past.

Maybe be willing to believe, accept & understand you just might be missing or skewing some concepts & therefore ending up w/ a poorer experience & point of view than might otherwise exist. At least, given things like what 'STG, myself & others are saying fair & due consideration.

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Thanks once again 'STG'.

Folks you might not be so negative towards Win8 or the overall changes in computing if you allow yourselves to try to see (hate this expression) the big picture. Things that 'STG', myself & others have been trying to express & convey for months are valid, have merit. It is so much more conducive to happiness to work w/ what IS, see the good & the improvement than to always complain & condemn & cry for something different, especially if it's in the past.

Maybe be willing to believe, accept & understand you just might be missing or skewing some concepts & therefore ending up w/ a poorer experience & point of view than might otherwise exist. At least, given things like what 'STG, myself & others are saying fair & due consideration.

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You mean we should accept the new as like Windows ME? I am a products designer and I know that not all new products are successful for many reasons. Just because Win 8 is new it does not mean it is good. I am sure that hidden within win 8 are many good features but who wants a Ferrari with square wheels?

Comparing Windows 8 to ME is lunacy! And just because something is new doesn't mean it is bad! Yes, there are many good Features, except they are very blatant & obvious not, hidden unless, one does not want to see them. The only thing that's square is it Start button and Ferrari has a lot of fans... Go, Alonso, Go!!

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PS: There, really, is no need to Copy-Paste there the remarks to which one is replying.

Comparing Windows 8 to ME is lunacy! And just because something is new doesn't mean it is bad! Yes, there are many good Features, except they are very blatant & obvious not, hidden unless, one does not want to see them. The only thing that's square is it Start button and Ferrari has a lot of fans... Go, Alonso, Go!!

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PS: There, really, is no need to Copy-Paste there the remarks to which one is replying.
No matter what users say; You will support win 8. This leads me to believe that you are indeed a fan boy or evangelist. It amazes me how biased you are in favour of Win 8 when there are so many complaints. Win 8 is a smartphone OS forced upon PC users. We want the options that allow us to use our PCs the way we are used to and not forced fed so much facebook, Tweeter, oriented garbage.

If you cannot accept any negative feedback from users then you are in essence biased.

I am sorry I have replied like this to you but it is like talking to a brick wall. MS never reply and the forums I visit is full of people complaining while fan boys insist that their grievances are unfounded.

Perhaps you may shed some light why a brand new OS needs 3rd party applications in order to make it work for so many users? If you can show me how I can get rid of Metro then I may consider installing Win 8, otherwise I will stick with Win 7 + Classic Shell. :)

Ok, let me see if I can address this so, there can be a reasonable, sound discussion. First of all this, "You will support win 8. This leads me to believe that you are indeed a fan boy or evangelist.", is a meaningless catch-phrase being frantically, vainly, used as a defence mechanism. It makes no sense & has no place or value in a worthwhile discussion.

"Win 8 is a smartphone OS forced upon PC users" this is simply false & shows an utter lack of grasping overall concepts, certain technologies, meaning & motivations for things. Don't take offence, but, it shows a complete unwillingness to get out of oneself and a tendency to compare apples & oranges and whine that one is not the other; of course it's not!

I listen, I am not, the brick wall, here. To listen and try to correct, is not being deaf. To call it deaf is, again, hiding behind a defense mechanism.

"brand new OS needs 3rd party applications", NO IT DOES NOT!! To use, like leverage for a case against Windows 8, to say, because 3rd party stuff is "needed", the system is flawed, does not hold water, because it does not need the stuff. However, you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by telling people such stuff IS needed & that therefore the OS is bad.

There is (1), no need or reason to "get rid of Modern UI" and (2) this is not bias or opinion which, you imply makes things unworthy of being believed or accepted, it is nothing but, observation and statements of fact and (3) you want to get rid of things that YOU are not willing to even try to see are useful or of any interest to anyone. IF, you are taking about getting past the Start screen that takes all of a 1/2 a second, 1 click or 1 key stroke... not deserving of making any fuss over it. IF, again, referring to Start & its Tile, neither, even, need to be used (there are other ways), IF, it's Windows 8 Store APPs, much as some may like them, again, there is NO obligation to use them, IF, it's about so-called 'hidden' control points that is, again, not being willing to work w/ a new & different kind of fruit BUT, does NOT mean the method is inherently bad. It means someone is not willing to discover and learn or adapt or adjust to another way of things.

There are many who will vouch for and verify that Windows 8 functions well, as it is! Myself, I have use many Windows Operating Systems. And worked w/ a huge variety of clients. Both they and myself familiar w/ previous Windows, of the past. They had good and bad about them, various things various people liked while others didn't. The same is true for Windows 8. People become 'comfy' w/ things. But to dress something up like something it's not, merely complicates things and confuses them and people. A more fitting and positive endeavour is to guide folks in how to use Windows 8. This would be better than, based of untruths tell them is bad, unworkable and NEEDS some thing added to make it look and act like some other OS. For eight months I, and many others, have JOYFULLY used Windows 8 non-stop w/out adding anything. During the whole time discovering an impressive, technically superior, capable, Feature laden, fast, stable, secure, fun, easy OS. WE are not all wrong. But, it is wrong to mislead people. And it is wrong for you to be so stubborn and close-minded. It is wrong to treat people who 'see' realities, rationales, the 'big picture' conceptually and that computing is changing & has changed, as functioning under some warped bias that renders them w/out credibility.

As far as what End Users say... there is a huge amount of positive reaction, excitement and enthusiasm being expressed. People getting Windows 8 and saying, "This is very cool!". I recently worked remotely w/ a client in another city who was installing Windows 8 for the first time. I gave him a 'heads up' that it was going to be 'different'. Once it was 'live', I gave him some 'Show & Tell'... w/in minutes he understood, found it (using the OS) made sense, was fun & easy and was impressed on several levels, for several reasons.

BUT, he was given a positive approach and accuracy and NO (unnecessary) 3rd Party items.

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Drew, You have not answered my question; I want to boot directly into desktop without having to go to METRO EVER! I do not want METRO under no circumstances. Is there a way I can switch on my PC and it going directly to desktop? Also I do not want to ever see Metro. Is there a way to do this? Will I have to use the 3rd party application CLASSIC SHELL to do this?

You constantly fail to understand that I do not want the fancy frills of METRO. I want a PC that I am familiar with and MS have removed this option, WHY????? If Classic shell can offer classic menus with win 7 without loosing any of the advantages win 7 offers then why did MS remove this option?

The only problems I have with win 7 are slow boot (compared to my other XP PC). Lack of classic menu option, and a horrid and almost useless SEARCH. I am happy with win 7 because with 3rd party applications I have classic menus and a better Search that is similar to XP.

If you can sincerely give me a way whereby I will not have to even face MERO for a second then I promise to consider Win 8. Fair enough?

Yes, I can and have, already, actually, elsewhere in this forum. I can, admittedly, save for 1 small concession... @ boot, passing momentarily past the Start screen is unavoidable. However, ALL Tiles, except Desktop, can be removed from there OR just pretend they and the Start screen are not there cus you never have to see them, again. That said:

1. Start the machine.
2. This takes a fraction of a second... when you come to the Start screen do 1 of the following:
A. Click on the Desktop Tile
B. Have the Desktop Tile positioned @ the Top-Left & just hit Enter.
C. Hit WinD

Ok, so, now, faster than you could blink you're on Desktop. @ this point you never need go back to Start. Yet, can access everything quickly & easily on or from Desktop.

Here are some things & ways to have this go pleasantly:
1. Accessing applications; notice I did not say APPs. Applications includes traditional 'programs' AND Windows 8 Store APPs. There are two ways to do this. 1 is via WinQ, the other is to have an Applications window pinned to the Taskbar.
2. Make use of the "Power Users" menu via Rt Clk @ the Bottom-Left Corner.
3. Use Desktop Toolbar. This is the piece d'resistance. In addition to what is in it initially, any Desktop icon or Shortcut will show in it, even if the Desktop icons are told not to show. Ergo, immediate, direct access to all you care to put there. From it you can drill down to anywhere in the machine. If, you don't want to click on Computer, hit WinE & there you go.

Occasionally, you might want what's in "Settings". This means hitting Charms. OR hit WinW & ask for what you seek there. If you don't care to mouse to gt Charms, hit WinC.

I won't bother telling you about using the "Switcher Bar" because you do not want to use any Windows 8 Store APPs and that is where you manage 'live', active APPs.

The above makes using & navigating Win8 fast, convenient, fewer clicks or steps, smooth and fun w/out adding anything! Unless the Applications window is used, that has to be created as a New Desktop Shortcut... that is not 3rd Party nor is that ability new or peculiar to Windows 8.

To put Classic Shell in, after the above, is wholly unnecessary and grossly redundant.

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Fair enough. Kudos to you for doing that much for yourself. For investigating. Can't taste what you don't sample. Never know what you might find yummy.

To be candid, you've surprised me, just now. Can't deny, did not expect you'd consider (other) things.

And, yes, I, really do, know this stuff is subjective.

Oh, yeah & if for example, while on Desktop you go to WinQ, Esc, also, will return to Desktop. There are often 3 or 4 ways to do things in Win8; you just find what YOU like best, after a while.

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@tanzanos: Why do you feel that you need 3rd party applications to make the system run? I haven't had to use any third party applications for my Windows 8 system to be successful. In fact, the only 2 that I use that are 3rd party is Firefox (My wife's preference) and Chrome (My preference). The truth is, you WANT 3rd party applications... the difference between want and need is where there is a sticking problem with this conversation.

Also, as I said before in this thread, there are many options available to users... Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux, Apple, etc... if you don't like what one vendor is selling, use a different vendor. The one question that bugs me is that you're on a forum called Windows 8 Forums calling people Evangalists and Fanboys; which is confusing - yes people on a Windows 8 Forum site would likely be in support of Windows 8... if you were on a linux site I bet they'll all be excited about that as well.

I do see issues with 8, I agree there are some things that they took away that people may have liked; but ultimately I feel it's a definite upgrade... I also see that those people who hate it because it's not like the old one are the same people who say MS sucks no matter what they do... I laughed the other day because the same people around me started fussing about Google b/c they're too big for their britches now as well. If it's not a start-up that can be bullied people hate them... it's the life of computing.

I wish you well in your endeavors - hopefully you can make Windows 8 startup and run like XP so you'll be comfortable with it.

Thanks for the link. Just to make things clear; I always hated Ribbon and the new start menu. I prefer the drop down menus and classic start menu. I work extremely fast with the drop down menus and my PC is configured the way I want it to be. Were I to go to win 8 then it is mandatory that I have the 3rd party application called CLASSIC SHELL. I even have classic menus in Office (3rd party application). Just because you are comfortable with something does not mean it is the same for everyone. What I do not want is a monopoly like MS shoving down my throat something that I really cannot use and removing options like classic menus because MS decided that this is the way I should go. I am sorry but I have been using computers since 1979 and am not afraid of change.

What really bothers me is change just for the sake of change and MS has done a lot of that lately. As for Apple? I hate Mac OS as it is a hide and seek style OS. Linux has no support for the software I use and that pretty much leaves me hanging with Windows. I remember when I first tried win 95 I was ecstatic and had no problems with the learning curve. It was intuitive and extremely easy to learn. MS has and is slowly removing the 'Intuitive' from their OSs and making the OS think for you.

I use my PC professionally and also play games. What is most important for me is to be able to navigate with ease and this is something that MS has removed.

Although win 7 is basically very good now that I have installed Classic Shell I also had to install a 3rd party Search application because win 7 could not find any of my files unless it was located in a generic folder.

If Win 8 gives me the option of totally getting rid of METRO and Ribbon then I will be a fan boy for win 8, but probably all hell will freeze over before that happens. Unless of course a 3rd party application comes up to do that! :)
