Some interesting statistics regarding PC (desktop / laptop) sales over the past year from multiple top tier OEMs showing a somewhat flat or even a mild decline in most instances (excepting ASUS).
Not sure what the take away should be from the article, as there seems to be the usual speculation as to what Windows 8 may or may not do that might impact the trend, but my guess would be, not much for the desktop nor conventional laptop market but perhaps for the handheld (tablet / slate / surface) market something good may still yet emerge.
I suppose it all boils down to who and how many people adopt (for one reason or another) the new and smaller form factor as opposed to those of us who will still want the horse power associated with traditional desktops to get there day to day tech work accomplished.
I can see normal emailing, web browsing, and the occasional document or spread sheet on these small devices but for those of us who's daily work might include audio compositing (editing and mixing), video rendering, 3d wire modeling and big Photo Shop projects, such devices may not fit the bill.
We seem to either be evolving into or being forced into believing that a "One size, fits all" way of looking at things is practical, logical and makes absolute and utter good sense. I am not sure that in the case of either Computers or for that matter Operating Systems such logic applies. I mean we all probably have items of apparel with those strips of elastic or other stretchy material, whether it be a hat or a pair of trousers (sweatpants, tracksuit, etc.). And while they seem to function and provide good reasonable service, their not likely something one would choose as the default option for a night out on the town.
So where are we headed and is a one size fits all mentality going to work for all your future tech requirements? Looks to me like the market is being driven (as it is suppose to) by consumer demand and the demand seems to be for small form factor, handheld devices. Is this a craze, a fad soon to pass or truly the future? Is the Desktop as we know it truly dead?
The PC is a dead parrot