Windows 7 So What Are You Playing Right Now?


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Aug 28, 2007
So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

So what are you guys playing at the moment? Which game is keeping you awake until 5.30am?

So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

maybe find a friend locally without such bandwidth restrictions such as yours, get the "\STEAM\steamapps\common\alien swarm" directory, then paste into your steam folder, and hey presto STEAM will automatically update the install and make it a legit version when you click the verify install.

U are right the F.E.A.R series games (F.E.A.R,EXTRACTION POINT,PERSEUS MANDATE,PROJECT ORIGIN & REBORN) will not let u sleep,Also Call Of Duty modern Warfare 2 & 4,BATTLEFIELD BAD COMPANY 2 are also WORTH keeping U awake till sun rises.
Right now the Games like SINGULARITY (somehow like F.E.A.R),SNIPER GHOST WARRIOR & BLUR are some really interesting GAME of 2010.

U are right the F.E.A.R series games (F.E.A.R,EXTRACTION POINT,PERSEUS MANDATE,PROJECT ORIGIN & REBORN) will not let u sleep,Also Call Of Duty modern Warfare 2 & 4,BATTLEFIELD BAD COMPANY 2 are also WORTH keeping U awake till sun rises.
Right now the Games like SINGULARITY (somehow like F.E.A.R),SNIPER GHOST WARRIOR & BLUR are some really interesting GAME of 2010.

Checkout this thread for the latest on F3AR: Link Removed

What am I playing right now....?

Alien Swarm of course.. Link Removed due to 404 Error

I've been playing World of Warcraft. It is the kind of game that you say that you would not get addicted to and you do. It is a very interesting game where you have to s;ash through all of your enemies to get passed to the next part. You also have a bunch of spells and slots to hold different kinds of items. You can hold potions, spells, 2 weapons, and lots of other things. You should play it!

If it was free to play I'd probably try it... As for me, I got Assassins Creed: Directors cut for £9.99 the other day. Doesn't seem too bad so far.

I tried WOW when they had the free preview but my piece of crap eMachine computer wouldn't run it the frame rate was so bad it was like playing in slow motion. I also got Assassin's Creed last weekend but haven't installed it yet. Mafia II comes out tomorrow 8/24 I think I'll give it a try.


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Which is the better Graphics???
NVDIA or ATI Radeon????
there is a general perception that NVDIA works better with Intel processors...while ATI Radeon with AMD....
is this true????

Yeah unfortunately WOW is free to play, pay to win.

Assassins Creed 1 and 2 are some of my favourite games. If your into conspiracy theory then they are brilliant. Looking forward to Brotherhood.

Mafia 2 will definitely be on my list, I just hope its a good as the first. One of the best games ever IMO.

Mind you my best games ever list is huge lol

I am currently playing Precursors with the English patch. DL from, very cool concept.

ATI Radeon has better Graphics.I have both ATI Radeon HD with Intel Core 2 Duo processor & AMD Phenom II processor (DELL 560s & INSPIRON 15R),Previously I had a Compaq with Intel Core 2 & NVDIA 9400 GT,BUT comparing both the GRAPHICS...ATI RADEON perform the best while playing.

Ur Right there is a general perception that NVDIA works better with Intel processors...while ATI Radeon with AMD...But for ME ATI is the BEST...!

I'd disagree having had the 8800 workhorse when first out and more recently my 5870, from my observations at my LAN parties a Nvidia cards like the 260/275/280/285/295 are more than capeable of showing up Ati cards in DX9 and (sadly of which there are boatloads thanks to console porting), once you go for Dx10/Dx11 and look at midrange (4800 or 5830/50) or (5870/5900) high end ati pull back ground big style at least till you get to the Nvidia 470 series, but then once you add price and running costs only the nvidia 460 is good value, as for DX11 well the jury is still out largely to the lack of titles.

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Toms Hardware ran a article where they tested different chipsets with different CPU's and the conclusion was that it made no difference what so ever. AMD with intel chipset or nvidia card with a AMD chipset saw no difference.

As to which card or manufacturer is best? Well it usually goes in cycles.. Right now AMD (ATI doesn't exist anymore) has a slight lead on Nvidia but knowing the green team they'll be back on top again soon.. Maybe ;)
