Windows 7 So What Are You Playing Right Now?


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Aug 28, 2007
So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

So what are you guys playing at the moment? Which game is keeping you awake until 5.30am?

So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

as all games r someway r othr connected to gamers...\\\,,,the game which uplifted me from the earth was the crysis 2,,, mindblowin chanceless.....

I'm of mixed opinion on Crysis 2, fundementally theres nothing wrong with it, but I just get nagging in the back of my mind it's been fudged, the graphical side of things while animated very nicely, seriously lack definition (Running 1080p with Extreme/Hardcore settings) and have that hatefull motion blur and smudged look about them that makes them look as if upscaled from console editions with little interest in making it look better for PC owners with far superior rigs, likely a marketing con to get the consolers hooked then patch the PC version down the line with Dx11 grade eye candy, lest they lose huge review scores for the money making consoles by outing a hugely better looking PC edition too soon. I've tried the tweak tool that supposed to alter the graphical settings to disable stuff, but doesnt seem to make any noticeble difference, still looks like a game in 800x600 thats maxed out AA to cover up poor textures etc.

After playing NFS Shift 2 round a mates other day and not being overly impressed, I decided to take the plunge (he wanted a friend to play online with.... bless), after 4 hours I changed my views, which doesnt happen that often... and here's why.

Ok so... NFS SHIFT 2 is sadly Dx9 graphics, and when maxed out it looks less polished than GRID, although to be fair, some of the locations do contain high amounts of backdrops eye candy that look very nice, although the humans are very badly textured and animated on the pre-race parts, damn shame that the track dollys are laughably poor grade as are little things like the smoke fx. I can't help feeling the video replays have added extra post processing compared to in game racing (such as track debris being very defined and more visible along with the grass) and I did notice the night events take huge performance hits (Fraps when not recording showing a drop of about 20+ fps).

Admittedly after running on my rig it came clear that some of the graphical issues were driver based, as seems likely coding or drivers to see scores using AA drop badly on just the night races even using Anamorphic and low end 2xAA, which suffered the same framerate penalty as 12xAA edge detect, so maybe the next official 11.4 update will sort that out, trying the newly updated build (23rd march) 11.4 previews today so fingers crossed.

I still maintain that the early game is behind GRID, but that could well be attributed to fact the game has a more comprehensive upgrade system for the cars where as in GRID, the performance bits are already maxed to race performance and Shift2 requires a car to be fully upgraded to reach the same handling... or so I hope, so far still working with a 3/4 upgraded Ford Focus and BMW M3, so can't expect much

In a full U-Turn (sic) I now say this a decent game although it's still short of brilliant due to not being Dx10/11 quality, some handling issues, and several annoying niggles that hopefully will get tyre-ironed out a few patches down the line, although I feel TOCA Race Driver 3 and GRID are two games for under a fiver each that can still give this title a run for the money.

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Here's some footage of my noob driving

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I was thinking about getting that. Are you using a steering wheel and if so, which one. Do you like the wheel?


I got a Formula GP wheel, but find it gets steering lag... I need a newer model as its about 10 years old, so I just use my xbox360 pad, although I suffer wobbly hands these days, so I find it quite hard for this game despite trying with and without steering assists. The handling on the cars seems out... it's just not as fluid as GRID or DIRT2, which i find have the better driving experience, although i'll give EA some respect for improving the series over recent NFS rubbish (I'm looking at you "Hot Pursuit" remake), with all its tweaking and decals it still seems a hollow game somehow... maybe I'm just too used to the quality Codemasters titles, and with Dirt3 due in months... expectations are very high, it's certainly worth a look if you can get to a shop to try before buying...

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Just loaded up Duke Nukem 3D(yes on Windows 7 pro 64bit) and forgot how cheesy this game was but having just as much fun as the first time I played it. :)

I loved Crysis 2's single player campaign, multi on it is decent but tbh still find myself picking homefront multi over it.

I've yet to try the game you mention but now you've recommended it I think I'll splash the cash. Mind you, F3AR is the next milestone for me, I just hope to god they haven't completely trashed the franchise.

well if you ever played frontline fuels of war, homefront will feel right at home, same crew made it and they carried over many of the better ideas. Sadly as with Crysis 2 there is no map editor just yet, but hopefully they will release it.

Spent the last week almost solely playing DiRT3 (add me as "Highwayman72" on GFWL), fricken awesome game with just about every feature beefed up from DiRT2 as you'd expect, and still playing Homefront online too.

Picked up a new boxed copy of "Darkspore" for £6 on ebay the other day, postman brought it today... so likely i'll be playing that over the next week when get time away from dirt3 and homefront.

counter strike and dota, never get tired of playing those games, next week i was thinking of installing sims 3.

I'm still playing Duke nukem 3D and waiting for Duke Nukem Forever, it was shipped by Amazon on 2 day shipping monday.:furious:

The new map packs-Maximum game!


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Since C&C 3 & Kane's wrath deluxe twin pack were on sale ( for £4.99) the other day, I treated my mate to a copy, so expecting that to land tomorrow so I can teach him in the ways of NOD (he's a RTS virgin just about... but got him hooked on Sup commander and Total War Napoleon recently).
