Windows 7 So What Are You Playing Right Now?


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Aug 28, 2007
So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

So what are you guys playing at the moment? Which game is keeping you awake until 5.30am?

So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

"I'm playin Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
I can't say it's the best game I've played, it fact it's pretty dull but I love its realism."

I play as a sniper in almost all the games I enjoy, from Fallout 3/NV to Skyrim/Morrowind/Oblivion(It takes forever in Oblivion to get competent enough to be able to sneak and kill in one shot with your bow), yet, from what I've read about the Sniper series, I probably wouldn't like it at all.

If I ever get caught up with all the games I have via Steam/Gamestop, I might try one, since I've liked other games that weren't well-received by reviewers.


Right now I'm playing The Elder Scrolls Online, my main character it up to Veteran Rank 2.
I like the game but it's not as unique as The Secret World, which I'm also still playing.

The graphics and environments are really great, but because of the way the game is instanced it makes it hard to play with another player.

Every time someone needs help they have to solo it and just disappear.

But it is fun and the combat is fluid and interactive.

Remember when you just clicked on the target and then waited while they fought it out?

Both TSW and ESO have similar combat styles requiring you to move all the time and not be a target.


I'm currently replaying the Witcher 3:Wild Hunt including expansions and as well as Metro: Last Light which is a awesome game in it's own right. Graphics wise it will make your card work hard but oh boy is it worth it..




I just got the last content update for the Witcher 3, and my friend Paul and I are back to playing The Secret World again.
I always come back to The Secret World, it's still the best MMO of all time in my opinion.

I had put off finishing the main story line until yesterday, when my friend Paul and I got into the game and did the last level together.

Now there has been so much new content added that it's like there is a whole new game to play, whole new areas have been added that we have never been in.

In addition to that I'm also playing Black Desert Online, which is fun to play but not as deep as TSW.


Since last I visited this thread, I upgraded to a 980ti SC+ card, as the stock 780 wasn't quite up to the challenge of The Witcher: Wild Hunt @j 1440p. After I got the GPU installed, the mobo started giving some ram errors, so I decided that 4+ years was well-worth the cost , and decided to upgrade to a z170 system.

Now, I still haven't played more than the tutorial on Wild Hunt, but I have a level 101 character in Fallout 4, and I just hit level 27 in New Vegas, and since I just got the Anti-materiel rifle and will shops for more ammo, I'm almost ready to enter Old World Blues/Lonesome Road. Can't wait!

Me too... Ain't they great.. :)
Coolest-running GPU I've ever had.I like that I don't have to worry about stressing it; Wild Hunt is the only title that makes it work hard at all.

I am slightly sad that I gave away that wondrous i7-2600k. Ran @ 4.4ghz for years with no hiccups. It was kind of nice, sitting there all smug while the newer CPUs all seemed to only match it, so I never felt the need to upgrade it.

Coolest-running GPU I've ever had.I like that I don't have to worry about stressing it; Wild Hunt is the only title that makes it work hard at all.
For sure! Like the fan doesn't even spin up until the card hits 60c. I've never seen it past 78c plus it boosts to almost 1400mhz (1375MHz) without me touching a thing.. Deep ,deep joy.. :D

Batman: Arkham Knight

Created with the games in built photo booth.

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Well soon to play Assassin's Creed 3, and backtrack on that series. I have it installed that should take up the last of this winter. Shall post some nice screens as well.

Well soon to play Assassin's Creed 3, and backtrack on that series. I have it installed that should take up the last of this winter. Shall post some nice screens as well.
I have AC3, from a free offer with the gtx 780. I've only played about five minutes of it, just to see if the game ran okay. I really need to try it with this 980ti. I've heard good things about the game.

I will be loading it up this coming weekend I have a lot of irons in the fire with my work but this coming weekend will be entirely dedicated to pure gaming!

I will be loading it up this coming weekend I have a lot of irons in the fire with my work but this coming weekend will be entirely dedicated to pure gaming!
Hope you have a great time! I really need to stop playing Fallout 4. I bought a 960gb SSD to replace the too-small 256gb one, but I keep putting off installing it because I'm lazy. Once it's in place, I'll have room to install all the open-world games sitting in my Steam/GOG libraries collecting dust. Yeah, I could just move all the non-gaming software to the HDD, but again, lazy.

Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Last time I played this was on my GTX 680. So a 980Ti creates a good bump up in quality (Ultra)
