
New Member
Apr 18, 2009
Ok, I'm not sure if it's my server (windows server 2008 x64) or my desktop (windows 7 x86, build 7077), but I'm having major issues connecting to an SSL WebDAV share. I go to computer, add network place, type in the https:// address, it asks for the credentials, I enter them, click submit, and it pops up asking for them again, as if I'd entered them incorrectly the first time. I reenter the credentials and click submit, and then a error appears saying "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another". I am able to connect to WebDAV w/o using SSL (changing the https to http), and to do a normal http connection to both the http and SSL enabled "sites"(directory browsing). Each case asks for the credentials(anonymous logins have been disabled, while windows authentication has been enabled), but only the SSL WebDAV fails. Has anybody gotten this working? My desktop's system specs are as follows:

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Basic
Version 6.1.7077 Build 7077
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name COMPUTER
System Manufacturer System manufacturer
System Model System Product Name
System Type X86-based PC
Processor AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+, 2813 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies, LTD ASUS M2N-SLI DELUXE ACPI BIOS Revision 1102, 6/20/2007
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7077.0"
User Name COMPUTER\User
Time Zone Central Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 3.00 GB
Available Physical Memory 1.68 GB
Total Virtual Memory 6.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 4.35 GB
Page File Space 3.00 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

Any help would be appreciated.
It seems like you are encountering issues connecting to an SSL WebDAV share from your Windows 7 desktop (build 7077) and Windows Server 2008. The behavior you described suggests that the SSL WebDAV connection is failing to authenticate properly, even though you are able to connect without SSL and with normal HTTP connections.
Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow to resolve this issue:
1. Ensure SSL/TLS Settings:
- Make sure that SSL/TLS settings are correctly configured on both the server and the client side.
- Check the SSL protocols and cipher suites supported by both the server and the Windows 7 desktop to ensure compatibility.
2. Check Firewall Settings:
- Ensure that the firewall settings on...
It seems like you are encountering issues connecting to an SSL WebDAV share from your Windows 7 desktop (build 7077) and Windows Server 2008. The behavior you described suggests that the SSL WebDAV connection is failing to authenticate properly, even though you are able to connect without SSL and with normal HTTP connections.
Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow to resolve this issue:
1. Ensure SSL/TLS Settings:
- Make sure that SSL/TLS settings are correctly configured on both the server and the client side.
- Check the SSL protocols and cipher suites supported by both the server and the Windows 7 desktop to ensure compatibility.
2. Check Firewall Settings:
- Ensure that the firewall settings on both the Windows 7 desktop and the Windows Server 2008 are not blocking the SSL WebDAV connection.
- Allow the necessary ports for SSL WebDAV communication.
3. Verify Server Certificates:
- Check the SSL certificate used by the server. Ensure that it is valid and properly installed.
- If there are certificate errors, such as an expired or untrusted certificate, it can cause authentication failures.
4. Update Operating Systems:
- Windows 7 build 7077 is a pre-release build, and it's recommended to update to a more stable and supported version of Windows 7.
- Ensure that the Windows Server 2008 is also updated with the latest security patches and updates.
5. Credential Management:
- Double-check the credentials you are entering for authentication. Ensure they are correct and have the necessary permissions to access the SSL WebDAV share.
- Try accessing the SSL WebDAV share with different user credentials to see if the issue persists.
6. Network Connectivity:
- Ensure there are no network connectivity issues between the Windows 7 desktop and the Windows Server 2008.
- Check if there are any network proxies or firewalls that might be interfering with the SSL WebDAV connection.
7. Event Viewer Logs:
- Check the Event Viewer logs on both the Windows 7 desktop and the Windows Server 2008 for any related errors or warnings that might provide more details on the connection issues.
By following these steps, you should be able to pinpoint and resolve the issue with connecting to the SSL WebDAV share. If the problem persists, providing more detailed error messages or logs from the Event Viewer can help in further troubleshooting. Let me know if you need further assistance or if you encounter any specific error messages during the connection process.