Windows 7 Steam 26% Update Error


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2009
So now that portal is free, I went to go download it. However when I went to open steam it loaded the updater, got to 26% and gave me this error:

Link Removed due to 404 Error

I have been able to repeat that error by reinstalling Steam. Otherwise when I try and run it, it loads the updater and then says steam update service is temporarily not available.

Anybody know any solutions to this problem?
I actually had this problem a few days ago.
I deleted all the contents of the steam folder (apart from the steamapps folder were my games are stored).
I then downloaded the Installer from the Steam website and reinstalled steam. I've had no problems since.
I'd recommend exactly what dam89 says, and also after you uninstall Steam see if there are any tracks of it left, delete its folder and files.

(If the problem persists, then uninstall Steam again and delete Steam branch from the registry).
Tried both and the problem is still there. Seems it may be a rights issue, but I made sure the folder was not read-only and I "took ownership" of it. Any other crazy fixes you can think of?
How about turning off Firewall and Antivirus completely, in case you haven't tried so yet ?

And did you reboot after reinstalling Steam ? Also, have you asked Steam support about this ?

Maybe also make sure you don't browse or download anything while updating Steam.

I can't because it automatically runs the updater after the install

And yes I tried it without any browsers open.

Looks like my computer just hates Steam. Or vice versa.