
New Member
Apr 21, 2014

I have noticed recently a problem using Ebay. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that suddenly I could not look at images of product listings. Usually, a item for sale has at least one photo uploaded by the seller. Often there are other photos included as well. Clicking on one of these results in that image enlarging. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that using my laptop I could no longer enlarge the main photo, but the other photos on any listing could not be seen at all.
Yesterday, for the first time in a couple of months I listed an item of my own for sale. I found I could not upload any photo onto the listing page, because the live links and click buttons were missing from the ebay pages and windows. Further, the editing from HTML to Rich Text feature was missing so all text I entered ended in a block of text with no spaces or sentences.
After a couple of hours talking to Ebay helpline operators and live chat people, there was no resolution to the issue. I went onto another laptop and found I could add the photos and edit the text normally. So, this means the issue is something to do with my main laptop. Both laptops are running the same W7 operating system.
Is there a program which is part of W7 that is responsible for actions such as the visibility of live links and action buttons on websites?
Since last night I have updated JAVA, and Adobe Flash. There is no difference. I still can't edit my listings using this laptop.
Anyone had a similar experience? Anyone have ideas about what I could try?

Thanks for your help.
I have seen things such your description of the text editing happen when you go to a site with a new browser version or even a new OS version. It takes the Forum Admins some time to update for changes in the HTML or other codes used on a site. Since I am no expert, I cannot tell you how to fix it, but I remember something about resetting your DNS setting using Netstat or some other network utility.

We all were requested to do that when this site is updated. I will have to check to see if I can find the exact procedure.

Edit: I think what I was looking for was ipconfig /flushdns but that seems to be related the address you use for a site. It still might help your situation, or you may need to reset IE. Since it seems to...
Could be a software installation or update which has been run on the laptop. Can you try running a system restore back to some date which predates the problem first occurring?
Could be a software installation or update which has been run on the laptop. Can you try running a system restore back to some date which predates the problem first occurring?
Tried that, no change. Restored back to 10th May. Quite a few Windows Update files were removed and the latest JAVA, Shockwave and Adobe Flash Player. No difference.
Keep in mind Ebay just announced that they were hacked so they may be doing major work on the site.
Yes I did consider this, but talking to one of their tech support staff, they were insistent that the hacking was not the cause of this problem. Viewing the same webpage from another laptop shows that the settings and photos are working OK. Also, viewing my listing through the German ebay site shows that the photos and text are OK. I have a feeling that there is an issue at eBay's end. Further investigation reveals others have had a similar experience a year or two ago, and they conclude the fault is with ebay, but ebay just deny anything is wrong.
I have seen things such your description of the text editing happen when you go to a site with a new browser version or even a new OS version. It takes the Forum Admins some time to update for changes in the HTML or other codes used on a site. Since I am no expert, I cannot tell you how to fix it, but I remember something about resetting your DNS setting using Netstat or some other network utility.

We all were requested to do that when this site is updated. I will have to check to see if I can find the exact procedure.

Edit: I think what I was looking for was ipconfig /flushdns but that seems to be related the address you use for a site. It still might help your situation, or you may need to reset IE. Since it seems to do this same thing in other browsers, that might not help either.
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I entered ipconfig/flushdns into the search bar and the file came up in the search results. Trouble is, its one of those files that as soon as you click on it, it opens a window for a fraction of a second and then disappears.

I entered ipconfig/flushdns into the search bar and the file came up in the search results. Trouble is, its one of those files that as soon as you click on it, it opens a window for a fraction of a second and then disappears.

To use this you need to run a command prompt and enter the command at the prompt in the black window.