Windows 7 Suddenly programs in windows 7 ask for administrator permissions


New Member
Feb 7, 2015
Recently a bunch of programs in windows 7 keep have been asking for administrator permissions. I have an administrator account, and have the programs set to run as administrator. My user account control is set to only notify when a program makes changes, but it has always been this way. Why did it start doing this?
You might want to try unchecking the "Run as Administrator" checkbox and see if that resolves it.
As usual, I would recommend not to mess with Windows warnings, unless you do know what you're doing. It's more secure to live with them, make a click or two... it may be annoying, but it's not really such a big deal, is it, truly?

When I get something like that, it kicks my pride because I OWN the blasted computer! Windows 7 seems to have got some new weird qualities, there's something like glitches have appeared. Not sure, right now.